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Advances in Molecular Research of Sterile Insects
中文关键词: 昆虫不育技术  辐照  显性致死基因  基因沉默  基因编辑  精确诱导不育(pgSIT)
英文关键词: sterile insect techniques  irradiation  dominant lethal gene  gene silencing  gene editing  precision guided SIT(pgSIT)
杨雨航,黄新意,翁群芳 华南农业大学植物保护学院广东 广州 510642 
摘要点击次数: 1448
全文下载次数: 632
      不育是应用在害虫防治上的一种有效手段。昆虫不育技术(Sterile insect techniques,SIT)作为一种大面积有害生物综合治理(Area-wide Integrated Pest Management, AW-IPM)的措施,能最大程度阻断外来物种的入侵与防治农业害虫危害,同时生物分子技术的迅速发展也促进了 SIT 的研究取得很多创新性成果。阐述了各种新颖的昆虫不育技术与思路,着重对其优点与局限性进行总结与评价,为不同技术的合理使用提供参考。通过以昆虫辐照技术为引,归纳了各种分子遗传防控机理研究关于应用的思路进展,结合目前的不育技术做出了独特思考,对其大规模实践应用提出了相应建议。使用昆虫不育技术应做到高效简洁,在野外大量释放带有低耐辐照基因的品系,使该性状在野生种群内传播,通过使用超低剂量辐照即可达到控制昆虫种群数量的目的。关键词:昆虫不育技术;辐照;显性致死基因;基因沉默;基因编辑;精确诱导不育(pgSIT)
      Sterility is an effective means applied to pest control. Sterile insect techniques (SIT), as an Area-Wide Integrated Pest Management (AW-IPM) measure, can block the invasion of alien species and the damage of agricultural pests to the greatest extent, while the rapid development of biomolecule technology has also contributed to many innovative achievements in SIT research. In this paper, various novel sterility techniques and ideas are described, and their advantages and limitations are summarized and evaluated, providing references for the rational use of different techniques. With SIT as an introduction, the advances in ideas of studies on applications of various molecular genetic control mechanism are summarized, and unique thoughts are made on the current sterile techniques, and corresponding suggestions are made for their large-scale practical applications. The use of sterile insects should be efficient and concise, and a large number of strains with low irradiation tolerance genes should be released in the wild so that the trait can be spread in the wild population. The insect population can be controlled by the use of ultra-low doses of irradiation.
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