覃初贤 1,覃欣广1,邢钇浩 1,温东强 1,望飞勇 2.广西荞麦种质资源主要农艺性状鉴定与评价[J].广东农业科学,2020,47(10):11-17
查看全文    HTML 广西荞麦种质资源主要农艺性状鉴定与评价
Identification and Evaluation of Main Agronomic Traits of Buckwheat Germplasm Resources in Guangxi
中文关键词: 荞麦  种质资源  相关分析  优异资源  广西
英文关键词: buckwheat  germplasm resource  correlation analysis  excellent resource  Guangxi
基金项目:广西创新驱动发展专项资金(桂科 AA17204045,桂科 AA17204045-11);农业农村部物种保护费项目(111721301354052035-01)
覃初贤 1,覃欣广1,邢钇浩 1,温东强 1,望飞勇 2 1. 广西农业科学院种质库广西 南宁 5300072. 广西农业科学院园艺研究所广西 南宁 530007 
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      【目的】为挖掘和利用优异的荞麦种质资源,促进广西荞麦产业发展,对收集的广西荞麦地方种质资源进行评价。【方法】以普查收集的 58 份广西荞麦地方种质资源为试材,对其生育期、株高、主茎粗、主茎分枝数、主茎节数、千粒重、单株结籽数、单株粒重、产量等 9 个主要农艺性状进行鉴定和评价。【结果】主要农艺性状生育期、株高、主茎粗、主茎分枝数、主茎节数、千粒重、单株结籽数、单株粒重、产量平均值分别为80.57 d、70.29 cm、3.75 mm、2.63 个、8.68 节、22.97 g、97.02 粒、2.22 g 和 918.7 kg/hm2,性状变异程度较大,其中单株粒重变异系数最大、为 27.93%,生育期变异系数最小、为 5.42%;相关性分析表明,主茎分枝数与茎粗、单株粒重、单株结籽数、产量呈极显著相关,产量与主茎节数、单株粒重、单株结籽数呈极显著相关,而与生育期、株高、茎粗、千粒重相关关系均不显著。【结论】通过鉴定评价,主茎节数、分枝数、单株粒重、单株结籽数是影响荞麦产量的主要性状,高产型荞麦品种的形态特征为株高适中、主茎节数多、分枝多、单株结籽数多、粒重适中;筛选出巴头荞麦、建立春荞、黄坪荞麦、朔晚荞麦、古砦三角麦和瓦渣地荞麦等 6 份优异资源。
      【Objective】In order to excavate and utilize excellent buckwheat resources and promote the development of the buckwheat industry in Guangxi, the local germplasm resources of buckwheat collected in Guangxi were evaluated.【Method】With 58 local germplasm resources collected by census as the experimental materials, 9 major agronomic traits including growth period, plant height, main stem thickness, branch number of main stem, node number of main stem, thousand grain weight, seed number per plant, grain weight per plant and yield were identified and evaluated.【Result】The average values of growth period, plant height, main stem thickness, branch number of main stem, node number of main stem, thousand grain-weight, seed number per plant, grain weight per plant and yield were 80.57 d, 70.29 cm, 3.75 mm, 2.63, 8.68, 22.97 g, 97.02, 2.22 g and 918.7 kg/hm2, respectively And the variation degree of the traits were great, among which the coefficient of variation of grain weight per plant was maximum(27.93%), and that of growth period was minimum(5.42%). The correlation analysis showed that the branch number of main stem was extremely significantly correlated with the stem thickness, grain weight per plant, seed number per plant and yield, the yield was extremely significantly correlated with the node number of main stem, grain weight per plant and seed number per plant, while the correlation between yield and growth period, plant height, stem thickness and thousand-grain weight was not significant.【Conclusion】The node number of main stem, branch number of main stem, grain weight per plant, seed number per plant are the main agronomic traits affecting buckwheat yield. The morphologies of high-yield buckwheat varieties are characterized by moderate plant height, main stem with more node and branch numbers, more seed numbers per plant and moderate grain weight. Six excellent resources were selected, such as Batou buckwheat, Jianli spring buckwheat, Huangping buckwheat, Shuowan buckwheat, Guzhai triangle wheat and Wazhadi buckwheat.
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