乔世英,闫佳会,郭青云.中国大麦黄矮病毒及 BYDV-GAV 株系研究进展[J].广东农业科学,2020,47(10):103-111
查看全文    HTML 中国大麦黄矮病毒及 BYDV-GAV 株系研究进展
Research Progress in Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus and BYDV-GAV Strain in China
中文关键词: 麦类作物  大麦黄矮病毒  BYDV-GAV 株系  抗病基因  病害防治
英文关键词: wheat crop  Barley yellow dwarf virus  BYDV-GAV strain  resistance gene  disease prevention and control
乔世英,闫佳会,郭青云 青海大学农林科学院 / 青海省农业有害生物综合治理重点实验室 /农业农村部西宁作物有害生物科学观测实验站青海 西宁 810016 
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      大麦黄矮病毒(Barley yellow dwarf virus, BYDVs)隶属于黄症病毒科(Luteovirdae)黄症病毒属(Luteovirus),由该病毒引起的小麦黄矮病最早在美国发生并报道,此后在国外其他地域也曾有过发生报道。在我国,小麦黄矮病最早于 1960 年在陕西、甘肃发生并报道,近年来,在我国其他地区也有发生,该病害被称为麦类作物上的“癌症”,对麦类作物生产影响较大,为害严重时,造成麦类作物产量大幅降低。BYDV 株系的划分依据为其传毒介体蚜虫的传播专化性,即一个病毒株系只能由一种或两种蚜虫进行传播,根据 ICTV 国际病毒委员会分类系统报道,目前国际上确定的该病毒株系有 BYDV-MAV、BYDV-PAV、BYDV-RMV、BYDV-SGV 等,我国鉴定有 BYDV-PAV、BYDV-GPV、BYDV-GAV、BYDV-RMV 4 个株系,GAV 为我国流行株系。主要从 BYDV 的为害症状、株系分化、传播介体、基因组结构和功能、病害防治方面进行相关综述,着重介绍 BYDV-GAV 株系的抗性鉴定、抗性基因等方面的相关研究进展,以期为该病害的抗病育种和防治提供一定的理论基础。
      Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDVs) belongs to Luteovirus, the Luteovirdae family. Wheat yellow dwarf disease caused by BYDV first occurred and was reported in the United States, and has been reported in other regions abroad. In China, the disease first occurred and was reported in Shannxi and Gansu in 1960. In recent years, it has also occurred in other regions of China. The disease is called a "cancer" on wheat crops, which has a great impact on wheat crop production. When confronted with severe damage, the outputs of wheat crops were reduced greatly. The classification of BYDV strains is based on the specificity of its transmission vector, that is, a virus strain can only be transmitted by one or two aphids. According to the classification system of the ICTV International Virus Commission, the virus strains identified internationally include BYDV-MAV, BYDV-PAV, BYDV-RMV, BYDV-SGV et al, and 4 strains have been identified in China, which are BYDV-PAV, BYDV-GPV, BYDV-GAV and BYDV-RMV. BYDV-GAV is a prevalent strain in China. This article mainly reviews the disease symptoms, strain differentiation, transmission vector, genome structure and function, disease prevention and control of BYDV, focusing on the research of resistance identification and resistance genes of BYDV-GAV. And then a certain theoretical basis is provided for the disease resistance breeding and control.
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