谭德龙,聂 俊,张长远,史亮亮,李艳红,赵俊宏,郑锦荣,谢玉明.广东葡萄一年两收设施避雨栽培模式主要病虫害与防治关键期[J].广东农业科学,2020,47(10):112-119
查看全文    HTML 广东葡萄一年两收设施避雨栽培模式主要病虫害与防治关键期
Main Pests and Diseases and Control Phenology Period of Two-cropping Grapes Under Facility Culture in Guangdong
中文关键词: 广东  葡萄  白粉病  蓟马  防治关键期  休眠期  清园
英文关键词: Guangdong  grape  powdery mildew  thrip  key control phenology  dormant period  orchard cleaning
谭德龙,聂 俊,张长远,史亮亮,李艳红,赵俊宏,郑锦荣,谢玉明 广东省农业科学院设施农业研究所 / 广东省农业科学院农业科研试验示范场 /农业农村部华南都市农业重点实验室广东 广州 510640 
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      【目的】全面了解广东葡萄一年两收设施避雨生产模式主要病虫害的发生情况,明确其防治关键物候期。【方法】在 2016—2019 年进行走访式和常规式调查按治早治小的原则,根据主要病虫害发生动态、相对应的葡萄物候期和防治实践确定防治关键期。【结果】在设施避雨模式下,广东一年两收葡萄病害发生最严重的是白粉病,其次是溃疡病、霜霉病、穗轴褐枯病、灰霉病、日灼病、气灼病、毛毡病等;虫害发生最严重的是蓟马,主要物种是茶黄蓟马、烟蓟马、棕榈蓟马,其次是二斑叶螨、斜纹夜蛾、中喙丽金龟、缺节瘿螨等。与露地栽培的主要病虫害有较大差异。防治关键期重点在休眠期(修剪清园期)、开花前期、幼果期、果实膨大期、果实转色期、果实成熟期。【结论】广东葡萄一年两收设施避雨模式主要病虫害种类不同于露地栽培,具有易重叠发生、危害期较长、多种病虫害出现两个甚至多个发生高峰期、同一病虫害更易爆发等特点。应对广东一年两收设施葡萄病虫害应当有针对性抓关键期防治,重点做好休眠期清园,消灭病虫源,结合花期果期等防治关键期开展有针对性的病虫害防治。
      【Objective】The study was conducted to comprehensively under the main insect pests and diseases and clarify control phenology of two-cropping grapes under facility culture in Guangdong.【Method】Interviews and routine surveys were carried out in 2016-2019. According to the principle of ‘as early and thoroughly as possible’, the key control phenology period should be determined according to the dynamics of the occurrence of main diseases and pest insects, corresponding grape phenology periods and prevention and control practices.【Result】Under the facility culture, powdery mildew was the most serious disease for two-cropping grapes in Guangdong, followed by canker disease, downy mildew, spikestalk brown spot, gray mold, sunscald, air burn, mycoplasmnoid. Thrips were the most serious pests, and the main species were Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood, Thrips tabaci Lindeman, Thrips palmi Karny, followed by Tetranychus urticae Koch, Spodoptera litura(Fabricius), Adoretus sinicus Burmeister, and Colomerus vitis(Pagenstecher). The main pests and diseases were quite different from those under open field cultivation. The control phenology focused on the dormancy period, the early flowering period, the young fruit period, the fruit expansion period, the fruit color change period, and the fruit maturity period.【Conclusion】The main insect pests and diseases and control phenology of two-cropping grapes under facility culture were different from those under open cultivation. It had the characteristics of overlapping occurrence, longer damage period, two or more peak periods of multiple insect pests and diseases, and the same kind of insect pests and diseases were more likely to break out. In regard to two-cropping grapes under facility culture, the main insect pests and diseases should be controlled during the critical period, focusing on clearing the orchard during the dormant period, eliminating the source of disease and insects, and carrying out targeted pest control in the key periods such as the flowering and fruiting periods.
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