查看全文    HTML 不同生境柚园果熟期橘小实蝇诱捕效果及种群密度比较
Comparison of Trapping Effects and Population Density of Fruit Fly(Bactrocera dorsalis)in Pomelo Orchards with Different-habitats During Fruit Ripping
中文关键词: 柚园  橘小实蝇  生境  虫口数  种群密度
英文关键词: pomelo orchard  Bactrocera dorsalis  habitat  number of insect  population density
基金项目:广东省科技专项基金(2019A103009);广东省高等教育“冲补强”提升计划重点建设学科(农业资源与环境)建设项目(粤教科函[2018]181 号); 嘉应学院科技项目(2019KJY01)
蓝木香,杨和生,许良政,刘惠娜,曾宪录 嘉应学院生命科学学院 / 广东省山区特色农业资源保护与精准利用重点实验室 /广东省柚类工程技术开发中心广东 梅州 514015 
摘要点击次数: 1517
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      【目的】掌握不同生境柚园果熟期橘小实蝇种群密度和活动规律,探索不同色板、不同方位和不同气温环境对橘小实蝇的诱捕效果。【方法】于 2019 年 9—11 月在两类不同生境柚园开展橘小实蝇监测诱捕试验。【结果】经单因素方差分析表明,自然生境柚园中亮黄板每板诱捕数量为 24.84(±1.90)头,示范标准柚园中为 4.29(±0.44)头,诱捕效果显著高于土黄板和蓝板,自然生境柚园诱捕数量显著高于示范标准柚园。自然生境柚园中南面色板诱捕数量为 12.01(±2.02)头,示范标准柚园为 2.52(±0.44)头,均较其他方位多。气温与规范管理柚园橘小实蝇种群密度呈一定程度的负相关。两类柚园 11 月诱捕数量显著高于 9 月和 10 月。【结论】亮黄色粘虫板对柚园橘小实蝇有明显的防治效果。在示范标准柚园果实成熟期应结合自然条件下橘小实蝇的种群变化规律提前做好预防工作,根据柚园生境因地制宜,综合治理。
      【Objective】The study was conducted to understand the population density and activity rule of Bactrocera dorsalis in pomelo orchards with different habitats in fruit ripening period, and to explore the trapping effects of different sticky cards in different directions and under different temperature environments on B. dorsalis.【Method】The monitoring and trapping experiments were carried out in two pomelo orchards with different habitats from September to November, 2019.【Result】One way ANOVA showed that the number of B. dorsalis trapped by every bright yellow sticky card in natural pomelo orchard was 24.84±1.90, and that in standard orchard was 4.29±0.44. The trapping effect was significantly higher than that of yellow and blue cards. The number of B. dorsalis trapped in natural pomelo orchard was significantly higher than that in standard orchard. The average number of B. dorsalis trapped in the south of the natural orchard was 12.01±2.02, and that of the standard garden was 2.52±0.44, both of which were higher than those in other directions. There was a negative correlation between temperature and population density of Bactrocera dorsalis in standard orchard. The number of B. dorsalis trapped in November was significantly higher than that in September and October.【Conclusion】The bright yellow sticky card had obvious control effect on fruit fly in pomelo orchard. The prevention work of standard orchard should be done in advance according to the population change rule of B. dorsalis under natural conditions in fruit ripening period, and comprehensive management should be carried out according to the local conditions in pomelo orchards.
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