许志平 1,侯小琴 1,孙力军1,邓 旗 1,房志家1,廖建萌 2.纳豆芽孢杆菌 NT-6 酶解猪肉骨粉生产抗菌饲用肽的工艺优化[J].广东农业科学,2020,47(10):149-157
查看全文    HTML 纳豆芽孢杆菌 NT-6 酶解猪肉骨粉生产抗菌饲用肽的工艺优化
Optimization of Enzymolysis Technology for Meat and Bone Meal by Bacillus natto NT-6 to Produce Antimicrobial Peptide
中文关键词: 纳豆芽孢杆菌 NT-6  肉骨粉  固态发酵  响应面设计  抗菌脂肽  活性小肽
英文关键词: Bacillus natto NT-6  meat and bone meal  solid-state fermentation  response surface design  antimicrobial lipopeptide  small peptide
许志平 1,侯小琴 1,孙力军1,邓 旗 1,房志家1,廖建萌 2 1. 广东海洋大学食品科技学院广东 湛江 5240882. 广东湛江食品药品检验所广东 湛江 524000 
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      【目的】为提高抗菌脂肽和活性小肽产量,以猪肉骨粉为主要基质,研究利用纳豆芽孢杆菌(Bacillus natto)NT-6 生产抗菌营养饲用肽,并优化固态发酵和二次酶解工艺条件。【方法】考察固态发酵中肉骨粉与麸皮配比、稻壳添加量、初始基质水分含量和发酵时间对大肠杆菌抑菌率的影响,考察二次酶解中料水比、pH、酶解温度和酶解时间对小肽转化率的影响,通过单因素试验和响应面设计优化固态发酵及二次酶解工艺条件。【结果】最佳发酵工艺为:肉骨粉与麸皮配比 7.96 ∶ 2.04,稻壳添加量 1.58 g,水分含量 59.95%,发酵时间 99.10 h,大肠杆菌抑菌率可达 87.10%;最佳酶解工艺为:料水比 1 ∶ 2.35,pH 8.60,温度 40.48 ℃,酶解时间 2.91 h,小肽转化率可达 21.26%。【结论】优化和明确了 NT-6 发酵酶解肉骨粉生产抗菌饲用肽的最佳工艺参数,为复合型抗菌营养活性饲用肽的商业化应用提供数据。
      【Objective】In order to enhance the yield of antimicrobial lipopeptide and small peptide, the solid-state fermentation and two-step enzymolysis technology was optimized by utilizing meat and bone meal as main matrix for Bacillus natto NT-6 to produce composite active peptide with antimicrobial and nutritional properties.【Method】The effects of solid-state fermentation conditions(the ratio of meat and bone meal to wheat bran, the addition of rice husk, the moisture content of initial matrix and fermentation time)on the antibacterial rate of Escherichia coli and the two-step enzymolysis conditions(the ratio of material to water, pH, enzymolysis temperature and enzymolysis time)on the conversion rate of small peptide were explored and evaluated. Based on single-factor tests and response surface design, the solid-state fermentation and two-step enzymolysis process conditions were optimized.【Result】The optimal fermentation parameters were as follows: the ratio of meat and bone meal to wheat bran was 7.96 ∶ 2.04, the addition of rice husk 1.58 g, the moisture content of initial matrix 59.95%, the fermentation time 99.10 h, and the antibacterial rate of E.coli reached 87.10%. The optimal enzymolysis parameters were as follows: the ratio of material to water was 1 ∶ 2.35, pH 8.60, temperature 40.48 ℃ , enzymolysis time 2.91 h, and the conversion rate of small peptide reached 21.26%. 【Conclusion】The solid-state fermentation combined with two-step enzymolysis technology was optimized, laying a solid foundation for the commercial application of composite active peptide with antimicrobial and nutritional properties.
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