李 坤,李高科,肖颖妮,于永涛,李余良,谢利华,朱文广,胡建广.甜玉米品质遗传改良研究进展[J].广东农业科学,2020,47(11):70-77
查看全文    HTML 甜玉米品质遗传改良研究进展
Research Progresses in Genetic Improvement of Sweet Corn Quality
中文关键词: 甜玉米  胚乳突变基因  食味品质  营养品质
英文关键词: sweet corn  endosperm mutant genes  edible quality  nutritional quality
基金项目:广东省重点领域研发计划项目(2018B020202008);国家重点研发计划项目(2018YFD0100106,2018YFD0200700);广东省乡村振兴战略专项(粤财农〔2020〕100 号);广东省农业科学院科技创新战略专项资金(高水平农科院建设)-“十三五”学科团队建设项目(201610TD)
李 坤,李高科,肖颖妮,于永涛,李余良,谢利华,朱文广,胡建广 广东省农业科学院作物研究所 / 广东省农作物遗传改良重点实验室 , 广东 广州 510640 
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      甜玉米为具有果蔬和谷物特征的新型农作物,其营养丰富,适口性好,受到国内外消费者和科研人员的广泛关注。甜玉米含淀粉合成缺陷基因,糖类在胚乳中大量积累,是鲜食玉米主要类型之一。根据缺陷基因的不同,甜玉米可分为普甜玉米、超甜玉米和加强甜玉米等类型,不同类型间食味品质和营养品质差异较大。甜度、爽脆度、果皮厚度、风味等是甜玉米的主要食用品质特性,这些性状受微效多基因控制,其遗传研究及育种改良应用均面临很大挑战。目前,甜玉米品质相关的研究取得了一定进展,研究者对甜玉米食味品质(含糖量、果皮厚度等)和营养品质(维生素、矿物元素、蛋白含量等)的主要评价指标进行鉴定和分析,获得了大量研究成果,主要集中在表型变异、遗传力、QTL 位点、候选基因等层面。这些研究的开展为甜玉米营养改良提供了重要的理论和分子基础。对甜玉米品质相关(包括甜玉米形成的遗传基础、维生素 E、果皮厚度、锌含量、玉米黄质和蛋白质含量)的国内外研究进展进行综述,并探讨了甜玉米遗传改良的发展方向,为甜玉米品质改良和优质品种培育提供理论依据。
      Sweet corn is a new crop with the characteristics of fruits, vegetables and crops. It is not only rich in nutrition but also palatable, therefore, it has attracted considerable attention from consumers and scientific researchers worldwide. Sweet corn contains defective genes in starch synthesis resulting in a large accumulation of sugars in the endosperm and serves as one of the main types of fresh corn. Sweet corn can be divided into ordinary sweet corn, super sweet corn and strengthen sweet corn according to the differences of defective genes. Significant differences exist in taste and nutritional quality between different types of sweet corn. Sweetness, crispness, pericarp thickness and flavor. are the main edible quality characteristics of sweet corn. These traits are complex quantitative traits controlled by minorgenes, which bring great challenges in genetic research and breeding improvement. At present, certain progress has been made in researches on sweet corn quality. The researchers identified and analyzed the main evaluation indicators of edible quality (sugar content, pericarp thickness, etc.) and nutritional quality (vitamins, mineral elements, protein content, etc.) of sweet corn, and obtained considerable research results including phenotypic variation, heritability, QTL locus, candidate genes and etc, which provided important theoretical and molecular basis for the nutritional improvement of sweet corn. In this article, the progress in researches on sweet corn quality at home and abroad(including the genetic basis of sweet corn, vitamin E content, pericarp thickness, zinc content, zeaxanthin and protein content)were reviewed, and the direction of genetic improvement of sweet corn was discussed to provide a theoretical basis for the improvement of sweet corn quality and breeding of high-quality varieties.
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