常明山1 ,吴耀军1 ,赵鹏飞 1 ,蒋 华 2,周 通 3,张 旭 4,黄华艳 1.杉梢小卷蛾习性及雌雄蛹、成虫主要形态特征鉴别[J].广东农业科学,2021,48(2):116-120
查看全文    HTML 杉梢小卷蛾习性及雌雄蛹、成虫主要形态特征鉴别
Behavior habits and Morphological characteristics of Polychrosis cunninhamiacola
中文关键词: 杉梢小卷蛾  行为习性  第 8/9 腹节  抱器瓣  产卵瓣  鉴别
英文关键词: Polychrosis Cunninhamiacola  behavior habits  the eighth /ninth abdominal segment  hapis  ovipositor  identification
基金项目:广西创新驱动发展专项资金(桂科 AA17204087-10);广西林业科技项目(桂林科字〔2016〕第 4 号)
常明山1 ,吴耀军1 ,赵鹏飞 1 ,蒋 华 2,周 通 3,张 旭 4,黄华艳 1 1. 广西林业科学研究院 / 广西优良用材林资源培育重点实验室广西 南宁 530002 2. 全州县咸水林场广西 全州 5415113. 柳州市林业科学研究所广西 融水 545300 4. 中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业研究所浙江 杭州 311400 
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      【目的】掌握杉梢小卷蛾的为害习性,鉴别杉梢小卷蛾雌雄蛹和成虫的主要形态特征。【方法】从 杉木林采集带杉梢小卷蛾幼虫的梢头,带回养虫室饲养观察,并结合室外林间观察等方法,对杉梢小卷蛾的幼 虫、蛹和成虫等的行为习性以及雌雄蛹和成虫的形态特征进行观察。【结果】杉梢小卷蛾幼虫具有转梢为害杉 木梢头的行为习性,幼虫接近老熟后,在适宜的梢头内部完成化蛹,蛹多于凌晨或早晨羽化,卵散产于叶片背 面。蛹为被蛹,新化蛹呈米黄色,雄蛹第 9 腹节腹面有一纵裂,为生殖裂缝,生殖裂缝两侧有瘤状突起,肛裂 缝与生殖裂缝距离为 80~170 μm;雌蛹生殖裂缝位于第 8 腹节腹面,裂缝两侧无突起,肛裂缝与生殖裂缝距 离 270~360 μm。雄成虫尾部抱器瓣明显,呈叉状或镊子状,密被鳞片;雌成虫尾部产卵瓣呈肾形,橘黄色。 【结论】掌握了杉梢小卷蛾幼虫转梢为害等行为习性,依靠蛹腹节和凸起等特征鉴定雌雄蛹,依靠成虫的抱器 瓣和产卵瓣等特征鉴定雌雄成虫,为开展杉梢小卷蛾的监测和防控提供了理论基础
      【Objective】The trial was conclucted to understand the damage habits of the Polychrosis cunninhamiacola and identify the main morphological characteristics of male and female pupae and adults.【Method】The tops with larvae were collected from the Cunninghamia lanceolate forests and observed in insectarium combined with the observation outdoors. The behavior habits and morphological characters of larvae, male and female pupae and adults of P. cunninhamiacola were observed.【Result】The larvae of P. cunninhamiacola had shoot-transferring behavior habits and damaged the tops of C. lanceolata. When the larvae reach maturity, they pupated in the tip of a branch. Most pupae completed eclosion in the wee hours or in the morning, and the egg were scattered on the back of blades. The pupa was obtect and the new pupa was beige. The male pupae had a longitudinal genital cleft on the segmental venter of the ninth abdominal segment, with a hemispherical protuberance on each side. The distance between anal cleft and genital cleft was 80-170 μm. The genital cleft of female pupa was on the eighth abdominal segment and there was no hemispherical protuberance on either side of the cleft. The distance between anal cleft and genital cleft was 270-360 μm. The hapis at the tail of the male adult was obvious with forked or forceps shaped and densely scaly. The female adult had a kidney-shaped, orange ovipositor on its tail.【Conclusion】 The damage behaviors of P. cunninhamiacola(such as shoot-transferring)were understood, male and female pupae were identified by the the characteristics such as pupa’s abdominal segment and protuberance, and male and female adults were identified by adult’s hapis, ovipositor and other characteristics, which provided a theoretical basis for the monitoring and control of P. cunninhamiacola.
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