PDF    HTML 干旱胁迫下不同保水材料对大豆种植土壤特性影响
Effects of different super absorbent materials on soil characteristics of soybean under drought stress
投稿时间:2021-04-12  修订日期:2021-04-27
中文关键词: 干旱胁迫  大豆  保水剂  水肥缓释  生物基
英文关键词: Drought dress  Soybean  Super absorbent polymers  Slow release of water and fertilizer  Bio-based
基金项目:天津市重点研发计划,绿色雄安建设中生态友好型水肥缓释剂的研发天津市重点研发计划(19YFHBQY00010); 天津市技术创新引导专项,工厂化水产养殖尾水中微囊藻毒素集成处理技术研究(20YDTPJC01070);天津市大学生创新创业训练项目,生物基高吸水性缓释材料的制备和性能研究(202010061080)
刘文 天津农学院基础科学学院 300384
孔庆霞 天津农学院水产学院 天津 
郝莹 天津农学院基础科学学院 
于建霖 天津农学院水产学院 天津 
雷海波* 天津农学院基础科学学院 300384
摘要点击次数: 558
全文下载次数: 0
      【Objective】 Chinese soybean import dependence has been maintained at more than 80%. It is of great significance to study the effects of new super absorbent materials on soil characteristics of soybean under drought stress for increasing the suitable planting area of soybean and the total yield, when not reduce the planting area of other crops. 【Method】 In this study, the moisture and fertilizer content of soybean-planting soil, water utilization and soybean yield efficiency were studied by using bio-based super absorbent materials, super absorbent polymers (SAP) and corn straw powder materials. 【Result】Under experiment conditions, when the amount of bio-based super absorbent materials which were used was 10 kg, the improvement to soybean growth became the best: compared with the treatment CK (control group), the moisture content in soybean-planting soil increased by 77.45%, the total Nitrogen and the available Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium content increased by 88.89%, 68.92%, 92.31% and 45.71%, while the soybean production increased by 61.44%, the water use and yield efficiency increased by 52.63% and 63.64%, respectively. 【Conclusion】 It showed that both the application of bio-based super absorbent materials and SAP could significantly improve soil drought resistance and water use and yield efficiency, but it was not linear between application quantities and the effects, so the optimal amount of application should be obtained.
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