查看全文    HTML 广东省珍贵树种资源分布特点、产业现状与发展建议
Characteristics of Resource Distribution, Industry Status and Development Proposal of Precious Tree Species in Guangdong
中文关键词: 珍贵树种  资源分布  产业调查  发展建议
英文关键词: precious tree species  resource distribution  industry investigation  development proposal
刘小金,徐大平 中国林业科学研究院热带林业研究所 / 国家林业和草原局珍贵树种培育工程技术研究中心广东 广州 510520 
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      【目的】了解广东省珍贵树种资源分布特点和产业发展现状,为科学培育、高效可持续开发利用 广东省珍贵树种资源,实现广东省森林质量精准提升提供参考。【方法】采用调查问卷结合实地踏查相结合的方 法,调查并分析广东全省 21 个地市珍贵树种种类组成和分布特点、种苗培育、示范基地建设、林下种养、木材 加工利用现状及产业发展趋势。【结果】广东全省珍贵树种种类较多,共有珍贵树种 53 种,隶属于 22 科 36 属, 总面积约 9.39 万 hm2 ,占全省森林总面积的 0.99%;珍贵树种林分以混交幼龄人工林为主,能供利用的珍贵木材 资源较少,主要树种有红锥、土沉香、火力楠、降香黄檀、檀香、银杏、黑木相思等,约占全省珍贵树种总面 积的 96.63%。全省共有珍贵树种培育示范基地 85 个,总面积约 6 733 hm2 ,呈零星分布,其中 65.4% 为私有企业; 全省珍贵树种相关的产品类型丰富,但缺乏大型规模企业,主要包括珍贵树种种苗、珍贵用材家具和雕刻等木 制工艺品、林下套种各种经济作物以及林下养殖各类动物等。【结论】加快珍贵树种的良种选育和高效培育技 术研究,规模化发展潜力较大的优良珍贵树种,创新林分改造技术,加大对中龄林间伐材资源的开发利用研究, 开发中短期产品,培育珍贵树种的第三产业功能是当前广东省珍贵树种产业发展的重要方向。
      【Objective】The study was carried out to understand the resource distribution characteristics and the industrial development status of precious tree species in Guangdong province, and then provide references for scientific breeding and high efficient utilization of precious tree species resources to achieve the precise improvement of forest quality in Guangdong province. 【Method】The species composition, distribution characteristics, seedling cultivation, demonstration base construction, under-forest planting and breeding, timber processing and utilization status and industrial development trend of the precious tree species in 21 cities of Guangdong province were investigated through questionnaire survey and filed survey methods.【Result】That there were a total of 53 precious tree species(belonging to 22 families and 36 genera)with a coverage area of 93 900 hectares in Guangdong province, accounting for 0.99% of the total forest area of the whole province. The main forest types were young mixed artificial plantations, which could hardly provide timber for the precious tree species market. The main species were Castanopsis hystrix, Aquilaria sinensis, Michelia macclurei, Dalbergia odorifera, Santalum album, Ginkgo biloba and Acacia melanoxylon, accounting for about 96.63% of the total precious tree species area in Guangdong province. There were 85 cultivating demonstration bases for precious tree species with a total area of 6 733 hectares distributed sporadically in Guangdong province, of which 65.4% were private enterprises. There were many types of products associated with precious tree species, but no large-scale enterprise was found. The main product types in Guangdong province were precious tree species seedlings, furniture, carving crafts, crops and animals planted under forest etc. 【Conclusion】Strengthening the study on breeding and high efficient cultivation technology, scaling the development of superior precious tree species, innovating forest stand transformation technology, increasing the utilization of middle-age forest thinning resources, developing short term products and tertiary industry are the main important directions for the development of precious tree species industry in Guangdong province under current situation.
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