赖 多,邵雪花,肖维强,刘传和,贺 涵,匡石滋.广东柑橘化肥农药减量增效技术模式[J].广东农业科学,2021,48(7):118-125
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Technical Mode of Reduction and Synergism for Citrus Chemical Fertilizers and Pesticides Application in Guangdong
中文关键词: 柑橘  化肥  农药  减量增效  水肥一体化  有机肥替代化肥  同适期多病虫害协同防治
英文关键词: citrus  chemical fertilizer  pesticide  reduction and synergism  integration of water and fertilizer  substitution of organic fertilizer for chemical fertilizer  coordinated control of multiple diseases and insects in the same suitable period
基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目 (2017YFD0202005,2019B020217003);广东省科技创新战略专项资金 ( 高水平农科院建设 )- 人才项目 (R2017PY-QF001)
赖 多,邵雪花,肖维强,刘传和,贺 涵,匡石滋 广东省农业科学院果树研究所 / 农业农村部南亚热带果树生物学与遗传资源利用重点实验室 / 广东省热带亚热带果树研究重点实验室广东 广州 510640 
摘要点击次数: 1439
全文下载次数: 959
      广东是我国柑橘重要产区,柑橘产业受黄龙病影响严重,在柑橘生产中,果农高度依赖化肥、农 药的投入。近些年随着品种改良和产业结构优化调整,广东柑橘生产水平逐年提高,但仍存在施肥过量、施肥 方式不合理、管理粗放、农药滥用、肥药利用率低等问题,并由此带来了生态环境污染及柑橘果品质量安全等 问题。目前,广东柑橘产区化肥、农药用量高,施用方式不合理,具有较大的减施和改进潜力。为改善广东产 区柑橘施肥施药现状,按照“科学用量、替代减量、协同增量”的橘园科学用量的思路,通过多年田间关键技 术筛选、集成与示范,优化整合相关配套措施,构建了广东产区柑橘化肥农药减量增效技术模式。该技术模式 明确了水肥一体化、有机肥替代化肥、病虫害精准测报、同适期多病虫害协同防治、合理配施增效助剂、地面 覆盖除草等技术要点,已经在广东柑橘产区应用推广,有效地减少了橘园化肥、农药的用量,并且在主要病虫 害防控、产量及品质上取得效果良好,为广东产区柑橘的健康可持续生产提供了科学技术支撑。
      Guangdong is an important citrus production area in China, and the citrus industry is seriously affected by the disease Huanglongbing. In the citrus production, fruit growers are highly dependent on the input of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. In recent years, with the improvement of citrus varieties and the optimization and adjustment of industrial structure, the cultivation technology level of citrus has been increasing year by year, but there are still some problems, such as excessive fertilization, unreasonable fertilization, extensive management, pesticide abuse, low utilization rate of fertilizers and pesticides, which have brought about ecological environmental pollution and citrus fruit quality and safety. Currently, the application amounts of chemical fertilizer and pesticide in citrus production areas in Guangdong are high, and the ways of application are unreasonable, which have great potentials for reduction and improvement. In order to improve the current situation of fertilizers and pesticides application in citrus production areas in Guangdong province, according to the idea of “scientific application amount, substitution reduction, synergistic increase”of scientific application amount in citrus orchard, through the selection, integration and demonstration of key technologies in the field for many years, and the optimization and integration of related supporting measures, a technical mode of reduction and synergism for citrus fertilizers and pesticides application in Guangdong province was established. The technical model formulated the key technical points of the integration of water and fertilizer, the substitution of organic fertilizer for chemical fertilizer, accurate detection and prediction of diseases and insects, the coordinated control of multiple diseases and insects in the same suitable period, the rational application of synergistic agents, and the weeding by ground cover, which has been applied and promoted in citrus production areas in Guangdong, effectively reducing the dosages of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and achieving good results in the prevention and control of main diseases and insects, yield and quality. It provides scientific technical supports for the healthy and sustainable production of citrus in Guangdong.
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