徐桂红,黄义钧,钱瑭璜,曹 华,戴耀良.41 个朱顶红品种在深圳地区园林应用能力的评价[J].广东农业科学,2021,48(8):65-73
查看全文    HTML 41 个朱顶红品种在深圳地区园林应用能力的评价
Evaluation on the Ability of 41 Hippeatrum Cultivars for Landscape Application in Shenzhen
中文关键词: 朱顶红  园林应用  层次分析法  综合评价
英文关键词: Hippeastrum striatum  landscape application  Analytic Hierarchy process  comprehensive evaluation
徐桂红,黄义钧,钱瑭璜,曹 华,戴耀良 深圳市中国科学院仙湖植物园广东 深圳 518004 
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全文下载次数: 1016
      【目的】建立朱顶红品种综合评价体系,筛选出在深圳地区可以露天栽培适合园林应用的朱顶 红品种。【方法】观测统计 41 个朱顶红品种的 20 个性状指标,应用层次分析法(AHP)从观赏性、适应性 和园林种植表现 3 个方面构建综合评价体系。【结果】月神、月色、粉色魅力、合唱团、黛丝、双皇、赤色 天堂等 7 个朱顶红品种的评价结果为Ⅰ级,推荐在深圳园林中优先推广应用;花孔雀、夸耀、红狮、奇妙仙 子、阿米哥、红宝石之星、丛林响铃、侯爵等 8 个品种的评价结果为Ⅱ级,建议在深圳园林中推广应用;维拉、 小海星、红孔雀、冰后、苹果花、费城、猫眼石之星、洋溢、山野私语、彩虹等 11 个品种的评价结果为Ⅲ级, 可作为在深圳园林中应用的备选品种;美丽参半、公主、桑德拉奥微、异域孔雀、安第斯仙女、米娜瓦、橙 色赛维、珍妮小姐、曝光、圣诞快乐、法拉利、波丽露、本菲卡、合恩角、克劳士比等 15 个品种的评价结果 为Ⅳ级,不建议在深圳园林中推广应用。【结论】通过模型构建,建立朱顶红综合评价体系,从 41 个品种中 筛选 15 个适宜在深圳园林中应用的品种,为朱顶红在园林中的推广应用及植物配置选择提供参考。
      【Objective】A comprehensive evaluation system was constructed to screen out Hippeatrum cultivars suitable for landscape application in Shenzhen.【Method】Based on the observation and statistics of 20 characters of 41 Hippeatrum cultivars, a comprehensive evaluation system was established from three aspects of ornamental, adaptability and landscape planting performance by using Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP).【Result】The evaluation results of 7 varieties including Luna, Moonlight, Pink Charm, Glee, Daisy, Double King and Red Paradise were Grade Ⅰ, and they were recommended to be promoted and applied preferentially in Shenzhen gardens. The evaluation results of Blossom Peacock, Boast, Red Lion, Tinker Bell, Amigo, Ruby Star, Jungle Blossom and Marquis were Grade Ⅱ, which were suggested to be promoted in Shenzhen gardens. And the evaluation results of Vera, Lime Flare, Red Peacock, Ice Queen, Apple Blossom, Philadelphia, Opal Star, Overflowing, Wild Whispers and Rainbow were Grade Ⅲ, which could be used as alternative varieties. Half Beautiful, Princess, Sandra Ovey, Exotic Peacock, Andean Fairy, Minava, Orange Sovereign, Lady Jane, Exposure, Merry Christmas, Ferrari, Bolero, Benfica, Cape Horn and Crosby were Grade Ⅳ, which were not recommended.【Conclusion】A comprehensive evaluation system for Hippeatrum cultivars was established through model construction. Among the 41 cultivars, 15 cultivars suitable for landscape application were screened out, which provided references for the promotion and application as well as plant configuration of Hippeatrum cultivars in Shenzhen gardens.
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