柳武革,王 丰,李金华,朱满山,廖亦龙,付崇允,刘迪林,曾学勤,马晓智,霍 兴,孔 乐.水稻三系不育系的分子设计改良与应用[J].广东农业科学,2021,48(10):69-77
查看全文    HTML 水稻三系不育系的分子设计改良与应用
Improvement of Three-line Rice Male Sterile Lines by Molecular Design and Their Application
中文关键词: 分子设计  水稻  稻瘟病  白叶枯病  荣丰 B
英文关键词: molecular design  rice  blast  bacterial blight  Rongfeng B
柳武革,王 丰,李金华,朱满山,廖亦龙,付崇允,刘迪林,曾学勤,马晓智,霍 兴,孔 乐  
摘要点击次数: 1518
全文下载次数: 953
      稻瘟病和白叶枯病是为害我国水稻生产的主要病害。直链淀粉含量是水稻食味品质的重要指标。 利用与这些基因紧密连锁的分子标记对优良抗病和食味基因进行精准选择,培育优良水稻亲本,可有效提高 育种效率,缩短育种周期。通过分子设计育种策略和常规的杂交回交技术路线,分别将广谱稻瘟病抗性基因 Pi-1、Pi-2、白叶枯病抗性基因 Xa23 和低直链淀粉含量基因 Wxb 等一个或多个基因精准导入荣丰 B 中,结合基 因型鉴定和表型选择,最终育成抗稻瘟病的吉丰 A、安丰 A、粤禾 A 和兼抗稻瘟与白叶枯病的荣 3A 等 4 个不育 系通过技术鉴定。它们表现株型集散适中,分蘖力较强,不育性彻底稳定,柱头外露率高,异交结实率高,配 合力好。利用这些不育系与不同类型的恢复系配组,先后育成吉丰优 1002、吉优 5618、安丰优 5618、粤禾优 1002、荣 3 优 1002 等 18 个杂交稻组合通过国家或广东省品种审定,这些组合表现丰产稳产性好,后期熟色好, 抗病性强,已经在生产上大面积推广应用,为华南杂交稻的发展做出了重要贡献。
      Rice blast and bacterial blight are the main diseases of rice production in China. Amylose content is an important evaluation indicator for rice taste quality. The precise selection of excellent disease resistance and good taste quality with molecular markers closely linked to genes and breeding of superior rice parents can effectively improve the breeding efficiency and shorten the breeding cycle. Through molecular design breeding strategy and conventional crossing and backcrossing techniques, one or more of four genes, including broad-spectrum rice blast resistance gene Pi-1, Pi-2, bacterial blight resistance gene Xa23 and low amylose content gene Wxb , were precisely introduced into Rongfeng B. Four CMS lines, Jifeng A, Anfeng A, Yuehe A, with good blast resistance, and Rong 3A, with good blast and bacterial blight resistance, were successively bred and technically identified in Guangdong Province. All the CMS lines had the characteristics of moderate plant type, good tilling ability, stable and complete male sterility, high stigma exsertion, high outcross rate and good combining ability. 18 hybrid rice combinations including Jifengyou 1002, Jiyou 5618, Anfengyou 5618, Yueheyou 1002, Rong 3 you 1002, etc. derived from the improved CMS lines, were developed and released for commercial production by the Crop Variety Appraisal Committee of Guangdong Province or National Crop Variety Appraisal Committee. These combinations, with high and stable yield, good riping color and strong disease resistance, have been widely used in production and made important contributions to the development of hybrid rice in South China.
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