蔡时可,李静宇,梅 瑜,顾 艳,徐世强,孙铭阳,王继华.中草药脱毒技术研究进展[J].广东农业科学,2021,48(12):151-161
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Research Progress in Detoxificaton Technology of Chinese Herbal Medicine
中文关键词: 植物脱毒  中草药  组织培养  复壮  育种
英文关键词: plant detoxification  Chinese herbal medicine  tissue culture  rejuvenation  breeding
蔡时可,李静宇,梅 瑜,顾 艳,徐世强,孙铭阳,王继华  
摘要点击次数: 1386
全文下载次数: 1275
      中草药是中医药产业可持续发展的物质基础,对推动社会经济的全面发展具有重要意义。优良种 苗是中草药标准化生产和高效种植的基础,也是中药农业的重要组成部分。在中草药农业生产上,病原菌或病 毒的侵染是导致中药材产量和品质降低的主要原因之一。特别是无性繁殖的中草药品种,在自然环境中长期经 受各种病菌或病毒的重复传染而影响光合作用效率导致种苗的生长势变弱,种性退化,种植效益降低。而使用 植物脱毒技术培育的种苗可有效避免病菌或病毒的传播积累,获得健康种苗,具有重要应用价值和商业前景。 植物脱毒技术是一项现代生物技术,大多是基于植物组织培养技术,植物脱毒技术的利用,促进了果树、作物 良种的推广,给农业带来一场新的技术革命。利用植物脱毒技术培育健康中草药种苗,达到提纯复壮,增强中 草药种苗的抗性,也促进中药材种业的发展。综述了植物脱毒的技术方法及其在中草药种苗上的研究进展与应 用现状,同时对利用植物脱毒技术开展中草药健康种苗的标准化生产进行探讨,以期为中草药种业的持续发展 提供参考。
      Chinese herbal medicine is the material basis for the sustainable development of the traditional Chinese medicine industry and is of great significance for promoting the comprehensive development of the society and economy. Excellent seedlings are the bases for the standardized production and efficient planting of Chinese herbal medicines, and are also important parts of Chinese medicine agriculture. In the production of Chinese herbal medicine agriculture, the infection of pathogenic bacteria or viruses is one of the main reasons for the decrease in the yield and quality of Chinese herbal medicines. In particular, asexual propagation of traditional Chinese medicine varieties is subjected to repeated infection by various bacteria or viruses for a long time in the natural environment, which affects the photosynthetic efficiency and leads to weak growth potential of seedlings, degradation of varieties, and reduced planting efficiency. The seedlings cultivated with plant detoxification technology can effectively avoid the spread and accumulation of pathogens or viruses, obtain healthy seedlings, and have important application value and commercial prospects. Using plant detoxification technology to cultivate healthy seedlings, to achieve storage and rejuvenation, and promote the development of traditional Chinese medicine seed industry. Plant detoxification technology is a modern biotechnology, mostly based on plant tissue culture technology The use of plant detoxification technology accelerates the promotion of fruit trees and crop varieties, bringing a new technological revolution to agriculture. Using plant detoxification technology to cultivate healthy Chinese herbal medicine seedlings can achieve the rejuvenation of seedlings, enhance the resistance of Chinese herbal medicine seedlings, and promote the development of Chinese herbal medicine seedling industry. This paper reviews the technical methods of plant detoxification and its research progress and application status in Chinese herbal medicine seedlings, and discusses the standardized production of healthy seedlings of Chinese herbal medicines with plant detoxification technology, with a view to providing a reference for the sustainable development of Chinese herbal medicine seed industry.
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