何 琴,张兴兴,赖鉴添,邵丹青,周宇明,申建梅,卢颖林,安玉兴.硝态氮和铵态氮对玉米幼苗中吡虫啉积累和分配的影响[J].广东农业科学,2022,49(1):14-21
查看全文    HTML 硝态氮和铵态氮对玉米幼苗中吡虫啉积累和分配的影响
Effects of Nitrate and Ammonium Nitrogen on the Accumulation and Distribution of Imidacloprid in Maize Seedlings
中文关键词: 玉米  NO3-  NH4+  吡虫啉  含量  转运因子
英文关键词: NO3-  NH4+  imidacloprid  content  translocation factor
基金项目:广东省科学院建设国内一流研究机构行动专项资金(2020GDASYL-20200103059,2019GDASYL- 0501004);广东省科技计划项目(2017A070701030);国家现代农业(糖料)产业技术体系专项(CARS-170306)
何 琴,张兴兴,赖鉴添,邵丹青,周宇明,申建梅,卢颖林,安玉兴  
摘要点击次数: 1222
全文下载次数: 751
      【目的】研究不同供氮条件下玉米中吡虫啉的含量和分配规律,为提高吡虫啉的利用率以及氮 肥和吡虫啉的合理施用提供理论依据。【方法】采用水培法培养玉米,通过 HPLC 测定不同供氮条件(4、10 mmol/L NO3- ,4、10 mmol/L NH4+ )下玉米幼苗中吡虫啉的含量。【结果】叶片 是玉米幼苗中吡虫啉积累的主要 部位,其次为根和茎,施氮处理均表现出相似的积累规律。在 3 个浓度吡虫啉处理下,以 NO3- 为氮源培养的玉 米,其根、茎、叶中吡虫啉的含量明显高于 NH4+ 培养的玉米,以 2.5 mg/L 吡虫啉浓度处理为例,4 mmol/L NO3- 处理根中吡虫啉含量为 4 mmol/L NH4+ 处理的 3.09 倍、10 mmol/L NO3- 处理为 10 mmol/L NH4+ 处理的 5.15 倍,茎 中分别为 1.90、3.04 倍,叶中分别为 1.70、3.22 倍。在吡虫啉添加浓度为 5.0 mg/L 时 TF 叶/茎最高,4、10 mmol/L NO3- 和 4、10 mmol/L NH4+ 处理的 TF 叶/茎分别为 7.54、5.07、4.19、4.13,表明在此添加浓度下吡虫啉更易从茎 部转运到叶部。与硝态氮处理相比,铵态氮处理玉米幼苗中吡虫啉的 TF 叶/茎明显较低,且差异达到显著水平, 表明在吡虫啉添加浓度为 5.0 mg/L 时硝态氮更有利于吡虫啉向叶片中转运。【结论】吡虫啉在玉米幼苗中的积 累量与添加量相关,培养液中吡虫啉添加浓度越高,其积累量越高。玉米幼苗中吡虫啉积累量受氮素形态的影响, NO3- 为氮源积累更多的吡虫啉。
      【O bjective】The study is carried out to explore the accumulation and distribution law of imidacloprid in maize under different nitrogen supply conditions, which will provide a theory foundation for improving imidacloprid utilization rate and rational application of nitrogen fertilizer and imidacloprid.【Method】 T he seedlings of maize was exposed to imidacloprid in hydroponic solution with different nitrogen treatments (4 mmol/L NO3- , 10 mmol/L NO3- , 4 mmol/L NH4+ , 10 mmol/L NH4+ ). The content of imidacloprid in maize was determined by HPLC.【Result】Leaf was the main part for imidacloprid accumulation in maize, followed by root and stem, and all nitrogen treatments showed similar accumulation law. The imidacloprid accumulation was closely related with nitrogen forms in maize under different imidacloprid concentrations. Under the treatments of 3 imidaclo prid concentrations, the content of imidacloprid in the roots, stems and leaves of maize cultured with NO3- as the nitrogen source was significantly higher than that of maize cultured with NH4+ . For example, when the imidacloprid concentration was 2.5 mg/L, the contents of imidacloprid in roots of NO3- treatment were 3.09 and 5.15 times those of NH4+ treatment, respectively, 1.90 and 3.04 times those in stems, and 1.70 and 3.22 times those in leaves, respectively. When the imidacloprid concentration was 5.0 mg/L, the TFleaf/stem of imidacloprid in maize seedlings was the highest, and that of NO3- and NH4+ treatments was 7.54, 5.07, 4.19 and 4.13 respectively, indicating that NO3- was more beneficial to imidacloprid transportation from stems to leaves. Compared with NO3- treatments, the TFleaf/stem of imidacloprid in maize seedlings of NH4+ treatments was significantly lower, indicating that NO3- was more beneficial to imidacloprid transportation to leaves under 5.0 mg/L imidacloprid treatment.【Conclusion】The accumulation of imidacloprid in maize seedlings was correlated with addition dose of imidacloprid, the higher the concentration of imidacloprid in culture solution, and higher imidacloprid accumulation in maize. The accumulation of imidacloprid in maize seedlings was influenced by the nitrogen form, and NO3- is more beneficial to the accumulation of imidacloprid in maize.
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