符启位,黄伟康,陈积杰,郭静依,王绥利,黄国宋,罗 丰.基于灰色关联与主成分聚类分析综合评价37 份长荚豇豆种质资源[J].广东农业科学,2022,49(2):24-36
查看全文    HTML 基于灰色关联与主成分聚类分析综合评价37 份长荚豇豆种质资源
Comprehensive Evaluation of 37 Long-podded Cowpea Germplasm Resources Based on Grey Relational Analysis and Principal Component and Cluster Analysis
中文关键词: 长荚豇豆  农艺性状  主成分分析  聚类分析  灰色关联分析
英文关键词: Vigna sesquipedalis  agronomic trait  principle component analysis  cluster analysis  grey relational analysis
符启位,黄伟康,陈积杰,郭静依,王绥利,黄国宋,罗 丰  
摘要点击次数: 1189
全文下载次数: 756
      【目的】充分挖掘并利用长荚豇豆种质资源。【方法】对37份长荚豇豆种质资源的11个农艺 性状进行主成分分析、聚类分析和灰色关联分析。【结果】37份长荚豇豆种质资源的农艺性状变异系数为 7.99%~42.02%,其中荚长、荚横径变异系数最小(<10%),性状最稳定;其他9个农艺性状变异系数均 >10%,可作为选育与改良品种农艺性状的首选。11个农艺性状通过主成分分析可以转化成6个主成分,其中特 征值前6个主成分累计贡献率为87.17%,能代表37份长荚豇豆种质资源特征。37份长荚豇豆种质资源在遗传距离 为10时可分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ共3类,其中Ⅰ类28个品种,Ⅱ类5个品种,Ⅲ类4个品种,以Ⅲ类表现较好,分别是和 顺、南滨708-K、鸿丰708、汉美八号,可作为在海南进行推广种植的品种。采用加权灰色关联分析法得到综合 关联度最大为和顺,关联度0.7285,表现最优。经对比发现,加权灰色关联分析法与主成分分析法筛选出来的表 现较优的品种基本相同。【结论】通过以上两种方法获得品质较好的10个种质资源中有6个相同,分别是和顺、 瑞祥贵、南滨708-K、将军708、汉美七号、汉美八号,相同度达60%,表明这两种方法均可对种质资源进行评 价并筛选出优良种质资源。
      【Objective】The research was performed in order to have a full utilization of the long-podded cowpea germplasm resources.【Method】11 agronomic traits of 37 germplasm resources of long-podded cowpea were tested with the methods of principle component analysis, cluster analysis and grey relational analysis.【Result】Among the 37 germplasm resources of long-podded cowpea, the coefficient of variation of agronomic traits ranged from 7.99% to 42.02%. The coefficient of variation of pod length and pod width was the smallest ( < 10%), and these traits showed the highest stability. Thus, the breeding of long-podded cowpea could be focused on screening and improving other 9 agronomic traits that had relatively high coefficient of variation ( > 10%). These agronomic traits could be transferred into 6 principle components and the accumulative contribution rate of the first 6 components was 87.17%, thus they could be used to replace the 11 agronomic traits for evaluation and breeding of 37 germplasm resources of long-podded cowpea. When genetic distance degree was 10, 37 germplasm resources of long-podded cowpea cultivars could be divided into 3 cluster types: 28 cultivars were divided into type Ⅰ ; 5 cultivars were divided into type Ⅱ ; 4 cultivars - Heshun, Nanbin708-K, Hongfeng 708 and Hanmei No.8 belonging to type Ⅲ had relatively high yield and better quality, which were suitable for the planting and promotion of long-podded cowpea in Hainan. According to the weighted grey relational analysis, the cultivar Heshun, which had the highest weighted correlation of 0.7285, was the best for planting in Hainan. The principle component analysis and weighted grey relational analysis showed consistent result when comparing agronomic traits of 37 long-podded cowpea cultivars.【Conclusion】Through principle component analysis and weighted grey relational analysis, 10 germplasm resources of long-podded cowpea with better quality were obtained, respectively. Comparing these germplasm resources, 6 of them (Heshun, Ruixianggui, Nanbin 708-K, Jiangjun 708, Hanmei No. 7 and Hanmei No. 8) are in common. This indicate that both methods can be used for screening and evaluation of germplasm resources.
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