查看全文    HTML 腐殖酸与生物质碳对土壤磷素活化及无机磷形态转化的影响
Effects of Humic Acid and Biomass Carbon onPhosphorus Activation and Inorganic Phosphorus Form Transformation in Soil
中文关键词: 腐殖酸  生物质碳  土壤速效磷  磷素活化系数  磷组分
英文关键词: humic acid  biomass carbon  soil available phosphorus  phosphorus activation coefficient  phosphorus component
基金项目:广西科技重大专项(桂科 2018-266-Z01);广西创新驱动发展专项(桂科 AA17204078)
摘要点击次数: 1178
全文下载次数: 826
      【目的】探究腐殖酸、生物质碳对土壤磷素活化及无机磷形态转化的影响,为增效磷肥的研发提 供理论依据。【方法】以腐殖酸、生物质碳为试验材料,以 1、2 g/kg 土的配比与磷肥及供试土壤充分混匀, 进行持续 60 d 的土壤培养试验,以研究腐殖酸与生物质碳对土壤磷素活化及无机磷各形态转化的影响。【结 果】与 CK2、CK1 相比,施用腐殖酸、生物质碳各处理的土壤速效磷含量、磷素活化系数及土壤无机磷组分中 的 Fe-P、Al-P 含量提高,而 Ca-P 和 O-P 含量均不同程度降低。土壤培养 18、30、45 d,各处理较 CK2、CK1 对土壤速效磷含量有显著影响,其中 P2S2 处理的速效磷含量比 CK2 高 20.67%,P1F2 处理比 CK1 高 69.83%; P2S2 处 理 培 养 30、45、60 d 的 土 壤 Al-P 含 量 与 CK2 均 有 显 著 差 异, 分 别 比 CK2 高 61.40%、14.79%、 17.77%;相关分析表明,土壤速效磷含量与磷素活化系数、Al-P 呈极显著正相关关系。供试土壤在不同配比的 腐殖酸与生物质碳的作用下,各形态无机磷所占比例依次为 Fe-P> Ca-P> Al-P> O-P。【结论】在两个施磷水平 下,施用腐殖酸与生物质碳均可增加土壤速效磷含量、磷素活化系数,促进土壤无机磷组分 Fe-P、Al-P 含量增 加,活化土壤中被固定的磷,有利于 O-P 向有效态转化,显著提高土壤磷的有效性。
      【Objective】The study was conducted to explore the effects of humic acid and biomass carbon on soil phosphorus activation and inorganic phosphorus form transformation with a view to providing theoretical basis for the research and development of synergistic phosphorus fertilizers.【Method】Taking humic acid and biomass carbon as the test materials, with the ratio of 1 g/kg and 2 g/kg soil and phosphate fertilizer and fully mixing with the test soil, a soil culture test was carried out for 60 days to study the effects of humic acid and biomass carbon on the activation of soil phosphorus and the transformation of various forms of inorganic phosphorus.【Result】Compared with CK2 and CK1 treatments, soil available phosphorus content, phosphorus activation coefficient and Fe-P and Al-P contents of soil inorganic phosphorus components increased, while the contents of Ca-P and O-P decreased to varying degrees. On the 18th, 30th and 45th day of the soil culture test, each treatment had a significant effect on the content of soil available phosphorus compared with CK2 and CK1. The content of available phosphorus in P2S2 treatment was significantly higher than that in CK2 treatment by 20.67%, and that in P1F2 treatment was significantly higher than that in CK1 treatment by 69.83%. On the 30th, 45th and 60th day of the test, the content of soil Al-P in P2S2 treatment was significantly higher than that in CK2 treatment by 61.40%, 14.79%, and 17.77%;. Correlation analysis showed that soil available phosphorus had a very significant positive correlation with phosphorus activation coefficient and Al-P. Under the action of different ratios of humic acid and biomass carbon, the proportion of inorganic phosphorus in each form ranked as Fe-P>Ca-P>Al-P>O-P. 【Conclusion】Under two phosphorus application levels, both humic acid and biomass carbon can increase the content of soil available phosphorus and phosphorus activation coefficient, promote the contents of Fe-P and Al-P of inorganic phosphorus components in soil, and activate the fixed phosphorus in soil, which is conducive to the conversion of O-P to the available state and significantly improves the availability of soil phosphorus.
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