查看全文    HTML 红叶粗肋草组织培养叶色影响因素研究
Study on Influence Factors of Leaf Color of Aglaonema commutatum with Red Leaves in Tissue Culture
中文关键词: 粗肋草  叶色  培养基  增殖方式  光照
英文关键词: Aglaonema commutatum  leaf color  culture medium  proliferation mode  light
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      【目的】组织培养是粗肋草种苗快速繁殖的重要方式之一,研究红叶粗肋草在组织培养过程中影 响叶色的因素,保持其叶片色彩的红艳度,并为进一步稳定红叶类粗肋草高效组培技术及调控叶色提供技术参考。 【方法】以红叶的广花红粗肋草为试验材料,研究其组织培养的增殖培养基、增殖方式、光照强度、光质等因 素对粗肋草叶色的影响。【结果】采用增加 0.5 g/L K2 SO4 的改良 MS 培养基进行增殖培养,广花红粗肋草增殖分 化苗植株更健壮、叶色更艳丽,移栽成苗率为 90.00%;相比愈伤组织增殖培养,利用丛生芽增殖的组培苗叶色 更稳定、移栽成苗率更高;增殖阶段和生根阶段的光照强度为 4 000 lx 时,红色斑块面积增大,移栽成苗率更高, 为 88.89%;在红光︰蓝光 = 3 ︰ 7 的光质条件下培养,叶片叶绿素总含量最低为 0.037 mg/g,花色素苷相对含量 最高为 0.399 Units/g,叶片颜色红艳。【结论】利用改良增殖培养基、采用丛生芽增殖方式,通过调节光照强度、 改变红蓝光质比,能有效保持红叶粗肋草的叶色红艳度和提高组培生产效率。
      【Objective】Tissue culture is one of the important ways for rapid propagation of Aglaonema commutatum, the factors affecting leaf color in tissue culture were studied and explored to maintain the redness of leaf color, and to provide technical references for further stabilizing efficient tissue culture technology and regulating leaf color of A. commutatum with red leaves.【Method】Taking A. commutatum ‘Guanghuahong’ with red leaves as experimental material, the effects of proliferation medium, proliferation mode, light intensity and light quality on leaf color of A. commutatum were studied.【Result】The improved MS medium supplemented with 0.5 g/L K2 SO4 was used for proliferation culture, and the proliferation and differentiation seedlings were more robust, with brighter leaf color, and the transplanting seedling rate was 90.00%.The leaf color of tissue culture seedlings cultured by the proliferation of clustered buds was more stable than that cultured by the proliferation of callus, and the transplanting seedling rate was higher. In the stages of proliferation and rooting, when the light intensity was 4 000 lx, the red plaque area increased, and the transplanting seedling rate was higher (88.89%). Under the light quality condition of red light : blue light = 3 ∶ 7, the lowest total content of chlorophyll in leaves was 0.037 mg/g, and the highest relative content of anthocyanin was 0.399 Units/g, and the leaves were red and brilliant.【Conclusion】Using the improved proliferation medium, adopting the proliferation mode of clustered buds, adjusting the light intensity and changing the red and blue light quality ratio can effectively maintain the redness of leaves and improve the production efficiency of tissue culture.
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