郭玉亭,王英伟,杨成江.基于 InVEST 模型的珲春天保工程区水源涵养功能时空动态变化研究[J].广东农业科学,2022,49(4):54-63
查看全文    HTML 基于 InVEST 模型的珲春天保工程区水源涵养功能时空动态变化研究
Research on Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Water Conservation Function in Hunchun Natural Forest Protection Project Area Based on InVEST Model
中文关键词: 生态服务功能  天保工程  InVEST 模型  土地利用  水源涵养  水质净化
英文关键词: ecosystem service function  Natural Forest Protection Project  InVEST model  land use  water conservation  water purification
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全文下载次数: 744
      【目的】科学评估珲春天然林保护工程区水源涵养服务功能,为保障区域水资源合理利用和国家 生态安全政策制定提供基础依据。【方法】在多期国土资源统计资料、森林资源档案以及气象数据的基础上, 基于 InVEST 模型研究珲春天保工程实施后水源涵养功能的时空动态变化特征,并采用灰色关联度法分析水源涵 养功能的影响因素。【结果】2000 年珲春天保工程实施以来,研究区的林地面积增加 16 793.25 hm2 ;天保工程 一期(2000—2010 年)的水源涵养量减少 5.67×108 m3 ,二期(2010—2015 年)的水源涵养量减少 1.02×108 m3, 2015—2020 年水源涵养量增加 4.97×108 m3 ;水质净化功能呈波动上升趋势,其中 N 的输出均值在 20 年间由每年 0.1806 kg/hm2 减少至 0.1703 kg/hm2 ,P 的输出均值由每年 0.0206 kg/hm2 减少至 0.0200 kg/hm2 ;森林蓄积、降水量、 第一产业产值是对水源涵养功能最具影响力的指标。【结论】珲春天保工程的实施有效提升了水源涵养服务功能, 可为政府科学决策提供支撑、强化资源保护管理和公众保护意识。
      【Objective】The research was carried out to scientifically evaluate the water conservation function of Hunchun Natural Forest Protection Project area, with a view to providing a basis for ensuring rational utilization of regional water resources and formulation of national ecological security policy.【Method】Based on the multi-period land resources statistics data, forest resources archives and meteorological data, the temporal and spatial dynamic characteristics of water conservation function after the implementation of Natural Forest Protection Project was explored based on InVEST model, and grey relational analysis was adopted to study the influencing factors of water conservation function. 【Result】Since 2000, the area of forestland in Hunchun area has increased by 16 793.25 hm2 ; the water conservation of Natural Forest Protection Project in the first phase (2000-2010)has decreased by 5.67×108 m3 and decreased by 1.02×108 m3 in second phase (2010-2015), while it increased by 4.97×108 m3 during 2015-2020; water purification function has seen steady improvement though fluctuation existing, among which the mean outputs value of N and P have decreased from 0.1806 kg/hm2 to 0.1703 kg/hm2 per year and 0.0206 kg/hm2 to 0.0200 kg/hm2 per year in 20 years. Forest volume, precipitation and output value of primary industry have been the most influential indexes for water conservation function.【Conclusion】The implementation of Huinchun Natural Forest Protection Project has effectively improved the water conservation function, and the research results can provide support for scientific decision-making of the government, and strengthening of resource protection and management as well as public protection awareness.
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