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Seasonal Dynamics of Nutrients in Leaves and Soil ofCarya cathayensis in Karst Area of Northwestern Guangxi
中文关键词: 喀斯特地区  山核桃  叶片养分  土壤养分  季节动态  相关性分析
英文关键词: Karst area  Carya cathayensis  leaf nutrient  soil nutrient  seasonal dynamics  correlation analysis
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      【目的】探究山核桃(Carya cathayensis Sarg.)的叶片养分含量和土壤养分含量在一年中不同季节 的动态变化,为山核桃经济林的施肥、管理、低产林的改造及该地区石漠化治理提供依据。【方法】在环江县 的 10 个核桃园分别选取 20 株山核桃,采集叶片和土壤,测定叶片养分(全碳、全氮、全磷、全钾、钙、铁、 锌、硼含量)和土壤理化性质(有机质、全氮、全磷、全钾、有效氮、有效磷、速效钾、速效硼、速效铁、速 效锌、速效钙含量),分析叶片与土壤养分的季节动态。【结果】随着山核桃植株的生长,叶片氮含量逐渐减 少至 13.59 g/kg,而硼、钙含量则逐渐增加;叶片铁含量先减少后增加,而磷含量则相反;7 月、10 月的叶片钙 含量约是 4 月(13.54 g/kg)的 2 倍;山核桃林地土壤交换性钙、有效硼含量变化则先增加后减少,全钾含量逐 渐增加至 8.84 g/kg,4 月的有效锌含量(8.46 mg/kg)是 10 月的 6.9 倍;山核桃叶片各养分均存在明显季节性变化, 土壤养分中除有机质和有效氮含量无明显季节性变化外,其余养分含量均呈现较明显的季节性变化;相关性分 析表明,叶片氮含量与土壤有效锌含量呈显著负相关,叶片磷含量与土壤有效氮含量呈极显著负相关,叶片铁 含量与土壤有效磷含量呈显著负相关。【结论】在山核桃花期,应加强钾肥施用;在果实生长期,应注重氮肥、 钾肥施用,提高大量元素的有效性;在果实成熟期,应补充磷肥和钙、硼等微量元素肥料。
      【Objective】The study was carried out to explore the dynamic changes of leaf nutrients and soil nutrients of Carya cathayensis in different seasons of the year, and provide basis for fertilization, management and transformation of low yield forest of C. cathayensis economic forest and control of rocky desertification in karst area.【Method】Twenty C. cathayensis were selected from 10 walnut orchards in Huanjiang County to collect leaves and soil. Leaf nutrients (total carbon, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, total potassium, calcium, iron, zinc and boron) and soil physical and chemical properties (organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, total potassium, available nitrogen, available phosphorus, rapid potassium, available boron, available iron, available zinc and available calcium) were determined, and the seasonal dynamics of leaves and soil nutrients were analyzed.【Result】With the growth of C. cathayensis, the content of nitrogen in leaves gradually decreased to 13.59 g/kg, while the contents of boron and calcium gradually increased. Iron content decreased first and then increased, while phosphorus content was the opposite. The calcium content in July and October was about twice that in April (13.54 g/kg). The contents of exchangeable calcium and available boron in the forest soil increased first and then decreased, and the content of total potassium gradually increased to 8.84 g/kg. The effective zinc content in April (8.46 mg/kg) was 6.9 times that in October. There were obvious seasonal changes in leaf nutrients. Except for organic matter and available nitrogen, other nutrients in soil had obvious seasonal changes. Correlation analysis showed that there was a significant negative correlation between leaf nitrogen and soil available zinc, a very significant negative correlation between leaf phosphorus and soil available nitrogen, and a significant negative correlation between leaf iron and soil available phosphorus.【Conclusion】The application of potassium fertilizer should be strengthened at the flowering stage of C. cathayensis; attention should be paid to the application of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers to improve the availability of macro elements during the fruit growth period; phosphorus fertilizer and trace element fertilizers such as calcium and boron should be supplemented during the fruit ripening period.
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