廖学圆,李永梅,陈佳钰,范茂攀,赵吉霞.缓释氮肥对饲用玉米氮素吸收及产量品质的影响[J].广东农业科学,2022,49(5):53-64 |
缓释氮肥对饲用玉米氮素吸收及产量品质的影响 |
Effects of Slow-release Nitrogen Fertilizers onNitrogen Uptake, Yield and Quality of Forage Maize |
DOI:10.16768/j.issn.1004-874X.2022.05.007 |
中文关键词: 缓释氮肥 饲用玉米 产量 氮肥利用率 铵态氮 硝态氮 品质 |
英文关键词: slow-release nitrogen fertilizer forage maize yield nitrogen utilization efficiency ammonium nitrogen nitrate nitrogen quality |
基金项目:云南省科技重大专项子课题(2019ZG00902-08) |
摘要点击次数: 1183 |
全文下载次数: 721 |
中文摘要: |
DMPP 硝化抑制剂缓释氮肥和含聚谷氨酸缓释氮肥分别与尿素按 2 ∶ 8、4 ∶ 6、6 ∶ 4 配施 8 个处理,研究同一
施氮水平不同类型缓释氮肥与尿素配施比例对饲用玉米生长、产量及氮素利用的影响。【结果】含 DMPP 硝化
抑制剂缓释氮肥与尿素 6 ∶ 4 配施处理的饲用玉米株高、叶面积指数、鲜草产量和干物质积累均显著高于其他
处理,收获期最大鲜草产量为 84.62 t/hm2
,最大干物质量为 25.35 t/hm2
。与单施尿素处理相比,A60 处理粗蛋白
含量、地上部氮素积累量和氮肥利用率分别提高 44.33%、48.84% 和 61.84%。【结论】含硝化抑制剂 DMPP 的
缓释氮肥与尿素 6 ∶ 4 配施较其他处理可显著提高饲用玉米株高和叶面积指数,有利于饲用玉米鲜草产量和干
物质量的积累,并且提高饲用玉米的品质和氮素利用率,为饲用玉米绿色高质栽培的最佳配比。 |
英文摘要: |
【Objective】The study was carried out to explore the effects of different types of slow-release nitrogen
fertilizers and different proportion with urea on yield and quality of forage maize, which would provide theoretical basis
for green and high-quality cultivation of forage maize in Yunnan Province.【Method】A field experiment was conducted
with forage maize cultivar of‘Qiaodan 6’, and eight treatments were set: no nitrogen as the control, urea alone, slowrelease nitrogen fertilizer with DMPP nitrification inhibitor and slow-release nitrogen fertilizer with γ-polyglutamic acid
in combination with urea by ratios of 2 ∶ 8, 4 ∶ 6 and 6 ∶ 4, respectively. The effects of different types of slow-release
nitrogen fertilizers with urea at the same level of nitrogen application on the growth, yield and nitrogen utilization of forage
maize were investigated.【Result】The plant height, leaf area index, fresh yield and dry matter accumulation of forage maize
under the treatment of slow-release nitrogen fertilizer containing DMPP and urea at the ratio of 6 ∶ 4 were significantly
higher than those of other treatments, and the maximum fresh yield at harvest period was 84.62 t/hm2
and the maximum dry
matter mass was 25.35 t/hm2
. Compared with urea alone treatment, crude protein content, aboveground nitrogen accumulation
amount and nitrogen utilization efficiency of A60 treatment increased by 44.33%, 48.84% and 61.84%, respectively.
【Conclusion】The slow-release nitrogen fertilizer containing DMPP and urea at the ratio of 6 ∶ 4 significantly increased the plant height and leaf area index of forage maize compared with other treatments, which was beneficial to the accumulation of
fresh yield and dry matter accumulation of forage maize, and increased its forage quality and nitrogen utilization. Therefore, this
ratio was the best ratio for green and high-quality cultivation of forage maize. |
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