方志强,陆展华,王石光,刘 维,卢东柏,王晓飞,巫浩翔,陈 浩,何秀英.不同种植模式对水稻生长的影响及适宜直播品种的筛选[J].广东农业科学,2022,49(6):1-10
查看全文    HTML 不同种植模式对水稻生长的影响及适宜直播品种的筛选
Effects of Different Planting Patterns on Rice Growth andSelection of Rice Varieties Suitable for Direct Seeding
中文关键词: 水稻  种植模式  移栽  直播  品种
英文关键词: rice  planting pattern  seedling transplanting  direct seeding  variety
基金项目:广东省重点领域研发计划项目(2020B0202090003,2021B0707010006);广东省现代农业产业技术 体系(2021KJ105);广东省自然科学基金(2021A1515010820);广东省重点实验室运行费(2020B1212060047)
方志强,陆展华,王石光,刘 维,卢东柏,王晓飞,巫浩翔,陈 浩,何秀英  
摘要点击次数: 1083
全文下载次数: 957
      【目的】育苗移栽和直播是当前广东应用最广的水稻种植方式。探究育苗移栽和直播两种不同种 植方式对水稻产量的影响,筛选适宜广东及华南地区淹水直播的水稻品种,为广东及华南地区直播稻品种选择 和育种应用提供理论依据。【方法】以广东育成的 25 份水稻品种为材料,进行模拟大田淹水成苗试验,并在早、 晚两季的育苗移栽和直播两种不同种植模式下,测定各品种的生育期、株高、抗倒伏性、产量等性状,筛选适 宜直播的水稻品种。【结果】粤新银占 2 号、粤农丝苗、粤泰油占等 12 个品种的耐淹成苗率达到 80%;通过分 析育苗移栽和直播两种种植模式,发现早、晚季直播稻的生育期比育苗移栽平均缩短 7~15 d;田间抗倒伏表型 鉴定表明,有 11 份水稻品种的抗倒性强;产量分析表明,早、晚季直播产量比育苗移栽表现为增产,平均增幅 分别为 0.99% 和 1.25%。【结论】综合参试品种的耐淹性、抗倒性和丰产性筛选出粤农丝苗、粤美占、五山丝苗、 粤特油占等 4 个品种适宜华南稻区的直播栽培模式。
      【Objective】Rice seedling transplanting and direct seeding are the most widely used planting methods in Guangdong currently. Exploring the effects of seedling transplanting and direct seeding on rice yield and screening the rice varieties suitable for flooding direct seeding in Guangdong and South China can provide theoretical basis for variety selection and breeding application of direct seeding rice in Guangdong and South China.【Method】Twenty-five rice varieties from Guangdong Province were used as materials to simulate submergence tolerance tests, the growth period, plant height, lodging resistance and yield were measured under two different cultivation modes of seedling transplanting and direct seeding in early and late seasons, and the rice varieties suitable for direct seeding were screened.【Result】The seedling rate of 12 rice varieties, such as Yuexinyinzhan 2, Yuenongsimiao and Yuetaiyouzhan with submergence tolerance reached more than 80%. It was found that the growth period of direct seeding rice was 7-15 d shorter than that of seedling transplanting by analyzing the two cultivation modes of seedling transplanting and direct seeding in early and late seasons. As it showed in the field lodgingresistance phenotype identification, 11 rice varieties had stronger lodging resistance. Yield analysis showed that the yields of direct seeding in early and late seasons were higher than those of seedling transplanting, with an average increase of 0.99 % and 1.25 %, respectively.【Conclusion】Based on the submergence tolerance, lodging resistance and high yield of the tested varieties, 4 varieties including Yuenongsimiao, Yumeizhan, Wushansimiao and Yuteyouzhan were selected to be suitable for direct seeding cultivation pattern in South China.
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