徐杨玉,钱兆军,刘 浩,洪彦彬,梁炫强,陈小平,鲁 清,李少雄.广州花生新品种综合农艺性状调查及分析[J].广东农业科学,2022,49(6):11-20
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Investigation and Analysis of Comprehensive AgronomicTraits of New Peanut Varieties in Guangzhou
中文关键词: 花生  农艺性状  变异系数  相关性分析  产量  显著性分析  稳定性分析
英文关键词: peanut  agronomic trait  coefficient of variation  correlation analysis  yield  significance analysis  stability analysis
基金项目:国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-13);广东省重点领域研发计划项目现代种业专项 (2020B020219003);广东省科技计划项目粤港澳大湾区国际科技创新中心建设国际科技合作领域(2021A0505030047)
徐杨玉,钱兆军,刘 浩,洪彦彬,梁炫强,陈小平,鲁 清,李少雄  
摘要点击次数: 1087
全文下载次数: 854
      【目的】筛选出适合广州地区种植的花生新品种,为下一步针对省内不同种植区设点试验,为新 品种在省内大规模推广应用提供一定理论基础和参考依据。【方法】以湛油 75 为对照种(CK),2020 年在广 东省农业科学院钟落潭花生试验基地对汕油 121、粤油 905、福花 0945 等 11 个花生新品种开展初步试验,鉴定 各花生品种在广州地区的产量、适应性及综合农艺性状,客观评价其特征特性及其应用价值。【结果】参试花 生品种均具有中等以上的耐涝性、耐旱性及抗倒性,经济性状变异系数在 0.66%~51.75% 之间;相关性分析表 明,主茎高与分枝长,总分枝数与结果枝数、收获时主茎青叶数、单株总果数,百果质量、百仁质量与单产间 均存在极显著正相关性,收获时主茎青叶数与单产存在极显著负相关。产量显著性分析表明,与 CK 相比,汕 油 121、粤油 905、福花 0945 的干荚果产量有所增加,增幅分别为 5.57%、1.70%、1.13%,差异未达显著水平; 其余品种均有所降低,其中虔油粉色、琼花 1104 减幅分别为 32.47% 和 38.92%,差异达显著和极显著水平;产 量稳定性分析表明,与 CK 相比,汕油 121、粤油 905、桂花 66 等 7 个品种的产量稳定性较好,湛油 103、泉花 1417、琼花 1104 等品种的稳定性差。【结论】综合各参试花生品种农艺性状、生物学特性和品质,汕油 121 与 粤油 905 两个新品种在广州地区种植综合农艺性状表现较优,可在广东省其他种植区域进行区域试验。
      【Objective】New peanut varieties suitable for planting in Guangzhou were screened out to carry out fur tests in different planting areas within the province, which would provide a certain theoretical basis and reference for the large-scale promotion and application of the new varieties in the province.【Method】Taking Zhanyou 75 as a control, 11 new peanut varieties including Shanyou 121, Yueyou 905 and Fuhua 0945 were preliminarily tested at the Zhongluotan Peanut Test Base of Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 2020. Then, the yield, adaptability and comprehensive agronomic traits of different peanut varieties were identified, and the characteristics and application value of these varieties were evaluated objectively.【Result】All the tested varieties had moderate or higher resistance to waterlogging, drought and lodging; the coefficient of variation of economic traits was between 0.66% and 51.75%. There was a very significant positive correlation between main stem height and branch length, total number of branches and number of fruiting branches, number of green leaves on the main stem at harvest, total number of fruits per plant, 100-fruit mass, 100-kernel mass and yield, and there was a very significant negative correlation between the number of green leaves on the main stem at harvest and the yield. Yield significance analysis showed that, compared with the control, the dry pod yields of Shanyou 121, Yueyou 905 and Fuhua 0945 increased by 5.57%, 1.70%, and 1.13%, respectively, and the variety differences didn’t reach a significant level. The rest of the varieties all decreased in yield, among which the yield reduction rates of Qianyoufense and Qionghua 1104 were 32.47% and 38.92%, respectively, and the differences reached significant and extremely significant levels. Yield stability analysis showed that, compared with the control, the yield stability of Shanyou 121, Yueyou 905 and Guihua 66 was better, while that of Zhanyou 103, Quanhua 1417 and Qionghua 1104 was poor.【Conclusion】Combining the agronomic traits, biological characteristics and quality of all the tested peanut varieties, the two new varieties, Shanyou 121 and Yueyou 905, showed better comprehensive agronomic traits in Guangzhou, and could be tested in other areas of Guangdong Province for the screening of varieties suitable for large-scale promotion and application.
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