袁 赟,易懋升,周晓云,宿庆连,范正红,张雪莲,谢伟平.不同植物生长调节剂对绯花玉开花效应研究[J].广东农业科学,2022,49(6):36-42
查看全文    HTML 不同植物生长调节剂对绯花玉开花效应研究
Effects of Different Plant Growth Regulators onFlowering of Gymnocalycium baldianum
中文关键词: 绯花玉  多效唑  烯效唑  吲哚乙酸  赤霉素  开花效应
英文关键词: Gymnocalycium baldianum  paclobutrazol  uniconazole  indoleacetic acid  gibberellin  flowering effect
袁 赟,易懋升,周晓云,宿庆连,范正红,张雪莲,谢伟平  
摘要点击次数: 1076
全文下载次数: 851
      【 目 的】 筛 选 能 有 效 促 进 绯 花 玉 提 前 开 花、 提 高 开 花 整 齐 度 的 植 物 生 长 调 节 剂 种 类、 浓 度 和 施 用 方 法, 为 绯 花 玉 的 花 期 调 控 提 供 技 术 参 考。【 方 法】 以 长 势 一 致 的 绯 花 玉 种 球 为 试 验 材 料, 研 究 100、200、400、800 mg/L 的 多 效 唑、 烯 效 唑、 吲 哚 乙 酸 和 赤 霉 素 对 其 开 花 的 影 响。 【结果】喷施 100~800 mg/L 多效唑、烯效唑、吲哚乙酸溶液,绯花玉种球色泽、球径增量、花朵数、开花率均 无显著差异,但在适宜浓度范围内可促进绯花玉提前开花,其中 100 mg/L 多效唑溶液处理效果最佳、比清水对 照提早 9.0 d 开花,从开花到全盛开所需时间仅 11.7 d、比清水对照缩短 20.0 d,且开花整齐度更高;而 100~800 mg/L 赤霉素溶液对绯花玉开花具有抑制作用,但对其营养生长起到促进效果,表现为绯花玉球径增大、刺座含 刺数量增加、刺长增长、刺座质量增加、种球颜色更绿等。【结论】研究结果可为促进绯花玉提前开花、提高 开花整齐度提供技术支撑,同时可针对个性化需求改良绯花玉的观赏性状,提高其观赏价值,对进一步增加其 市场份额具有重要意义。
      【Objective】The study aims to screen out the types, concentrations and application methods of plant growth regulators that can effectively promote early flowering and improve flowering uniformity of Gymnocalycium baldianum, and provide technical support for the regulation of flowering period of G. baldianum.【Method】With uniform seed balls of G. baldianum as test materials, the effects of different concentrations (100, 200, 400 and 800 mg/L) of paclobutrazol, uniconazole, indoleacetic acid and gibberellin on its flowering was explored.【Result】Spraying 100-800 mg/L paclobutrazol, uniconazole and indoleacetic acid solutions had no significant difference in the colour of seed balls, seed ball diameter increment, number of flowers and flowering rate. However, these three plant growth regulators could promote the early flowering of G. baldianum within a appropriate concentration range. The treatment of 100 mg/L paclobutrazol had the best result, which bloomed about 9.0 days earlier than that under water treatment. It could reach the full blooming period within 11.7 days, which was about 20.0 days shorter than that under water treatment, and the flowering had better uniformity. While the 100-800 mg/L gibberellin solution had an inhibitory effect on the flowering of G. baldianum, however, it could promote vegetative growth. The ball size, the number of thorns in the thorn seat, the thorn length, and the mass of the thorn seat all increased, and the colour of the seed ball was greener.【Conclusion】The study results can provide technological support for promoting the early flowering of G. baldianum and improving the uniformity of flowering. At the same time, it can improve the ornamental characters of G. baldianum according to individual needs, and improve its ornamental value, which has great significance to increase market share furtherly.
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