高园园,孔露露,温志良.3- 吲哚乙酸对花卉植物生长和修复重金属效果的影响[J].广东农业科学,2022,49(7):65-71
查看全文    HTML 3- 吲哚乙酸对花卉植物生长和修复重金属效果的影响
Effect of Indole-2-acetic Acid on the Growth of OrnamentalPlants and Efficiency of Heavy Metal Remediation
中文关键词: 3- 吲哚乙酸  花卉  调节生长  重金属  植物修复  农田污染
英文关键词: indole-3-acetic acid  ornamental plant  regulating growth  heavy mental  phytoremediation  farmland pollution
基金项目:河北省自然科学基金面上项目(D2021106004);河北省地质资源环境监测与保护重点实验室开放课题(JCYKT202102);东莞市社会发展科技 ( 重点 ) 项目(20211800905532)
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      【目的】研究 3- 吲哚乙酸(IAA)对花卉植物生长和修复重金属效果的影响,为植物修复重金属 污染土壤提供理论依据。【方法】以凤仙花、万寿菊和波斯菊 3 种花卉为供试植物,以广东省东莞市温塘某农 田为试验场地,考察 IAA 对 3 种花卉株高、干重和鲜重以及对 Cd、Pb 和 Hg 富集效果的影响。【结果】与对照 相比,100 μmol/L IAA 对凤仙花、万寿菊和波斯菊的生长起促进作用,株高、鲜重和干重都有所增加,其中茎部 增重显著,凤仙花茎部鲜重 270.04 g、比对照高 66.6%,万寿菊茎部鲜重 63.73 g、比对照高 70.1%,波斯菊茎部 鲜重 20.05 g、比对照高 99.1%,差异均达显著水平;凤仙花茎部干重 14.99 g、比对照高 26.7%,万寿菊茎部干 重 11.96 g、比对照高 69.9%,波斯菊茎部干重 3.20 g、比对照高 29.6%,差异亦均达显著水平。IAA 可促进 3 种 花卉对 Cd 的吸收,提高万寿菊对 Cd 的转移系数,降低凤仙花和波斯菊对 Cd 的转移系数;促进凤仙花对 Pb 的 吸收,抑制万寿菊和波斯菊对 Pb 的吸收,对 Hg 的吸收无显著影响。【结论】IAA 对 4 种花卉的生长起促进作用, 提高对 Cd 的富集效果,降低万寿菊和波斯菊对 Pb 的富集效果,对 Hg 吸收和转运无显著影响。
      【Objective】The effects of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) on the growth and heavy metal uptake of ornamental plants were investigated to provide theoretical basis for remediation of soil heavy metal pollution.【Method】With three ornamental plants Impatiens balsamina, Marigold and Coreopsis as tested materials, and the tests were carried out in a farmland in Wentang, Dongguan City. The effects of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) on the plant height, dry weight and fresh weight as well as Cd, Pb and Hg enrichment of the above-mentioned ornamental plants were investigated.【Result】Results showed that 100 μmol/L could promote the growth of I. balsamina, Marigold and Coreopsis and increased their plant height, fresh weight and dry weight, with significant increases in the stem. The stem fresh weights of I. balsamina, Marigold and Coreopsis were 270.04 g, 63.73 g and 20.05 g, which were increased by 66.6%, 70.1% and 99.1% respectively compared with control groups, and the differences were significant. The stem dry weights of I. balsamina, Marigold and Coreopsis were 14.99 g, 11.96 g and 3.20 g, which were increased by 26.7%, 69.9% and 29.6% respectively compared with control groups, and the differences were also significant. IAA could promote the absorption of Cd by I. balsamina, Marigold and Coreopsis, increase the transfer coefficient of Cd by Marigold and reduce the transfer coefficient of Cd by I. balsamina and Coreopsis; IAA could promote the absorption of Pb by Impatiens balsamina while inhibit the absorption of Pb by Marigold and Coreopsis. IAA had no significant effect on the absorption of Hg by the three plants.【Conclusion】These results indicated that IAA promoted the growth and increased the Cd enrichment of the three ornamental plants, reduced the Pb enrichment by Marigold and Coreopsis, while it had no significant effect on the absorption and transfer of Hg.
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