查看全文    HTML 织锦巴非蛤形态性状对体质量的影响
Effects of Morphological Traits onBody Mass of Paphia textile
中文关键词: 织锦巴非蛤  形态性状  体质量  通径分析  多元回归
英文关键词: Paphia textile  morphological trait  body mass  path analysis  multiple regression
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      【目的】研究织锦巴非蛤(Paphia textile)野生群体形态性状对体质量性状的影响,为该贝类的人 工选育提供参考。【方法】以广西北海铁山港海区采集的 121 只织锦巴非蛤为研究对象,分别测定其壳长(SL)、 壳高(SH)、壳宽(SW)及体质量(BM)性状。以壳形态性状(SL、SH、SW)为自变量、体质量性状(BM) 为因变量进行相关性分析、通径分析、决定程度分析和多元回归分析。【结果】参数统计分析结果表明,体质 量变异系数最高。相关性分析结果表明,各性状间的相关性均达到极显著水平,体质量与壳宽的相关系数最大 (0.882),壳长与壳宽的相关系数最小(0.596)。通径分析结果表明,壳宽对体质量的直接影响最大、通径系 数为 0.573,壳高通过壳宽对体质量的间接影响最大、通径系数为 0.423;决定程度分析与通径分析结果变化趋势 基本一致。运用多元回归分析方法建立了估计体质量的最优回归方程:BM=-32.258+0.309SL+0.356SH+1.456SW (R2 =0.874)。【结论】以体质量为选育目标开展织锦巴非蛤人工选育时,在形态性状上应首先考虑壳宽性状, 同时加强壳高的协同选择。
      【Objective】The study was conducted to evaluate the effects of shell morphological traits on the body mass of wild Paphia textile and provide references for artificial breeding of P. textile. 【Method】Four traits including shell length (SL), shell height (SH), shell width (SW) and body mass (BM) of 121 P. textile randomly chosen from Beihai, Guangxi Province were measured. The shell traits (SL, SH, SW) were used as independent variables and body (BM) was used as dependent variable for correlation, path, determination coefficients and multiple regression analysis.【Result】The maximal coefficient of variance is in body mass, with extremely significant differences in correlation coefficients among the four quantitative traits of P. textile . The correlation coefficient between body mass and shell width is the maximal, with a value of 0.882, and the minimal correlation coefficient is between shell length and shell width, with a value of 0.596. The results of path analysis indicate that shell width has the greatest direct influence on body mass, and the path coefficient is 0.573. The indirect influence of shell height through shell width on body mass is the greatest, and the path coefficient is 0.423. The results of degree of determination analysis are consistent with those of the path analysis results. The optimal multiple regression equation of shell traits on body mass is established through stepwise multiple regression analysis: BM=-32.258+0.309SL+0.356 SH+1.456SW(R2 =0.874).【Conclusion】When it comes to artificial breeding of P. textile with body mass as breeding objective, shell width should be considered first and the cooperative selection of shell height should be strengthened at the same time.
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