查看全文    HTML 余甘子的生物活性及加工研究进展
Research Progress in Biological Activity and Processing of Phyllanthus emblica
中文关键词: 余甘子  化学成分  营养价值  提取物  生物活性  加工利用
英文关键词: Phyllanthus emblica  chemical composition  nutritive value  extract  biological activity  processing and utilization
基金项目:广东省现代农业产业技术体系优稀水果产业创新团队项目 (2021KJ116);广东省扬帆计划引进创新创业团队项目(2017YT05H045)
摘要点击次数: 867
全文下载次数: 1271
      余甘子是一种药食同源的水果,含有黄酮、酚酸、鞣质和生物碱等活性物质,具有良好的抗氧化、 抗炎、抗肿瘤、抗菌、护肝、免疫调节和预防糖尿病等多种功效。在古代,余甘子就被用来治疗咳嗽、喉痛、 腹泻及血热等疾病。余甘子鲜果水分含量较高,采后易受微生物污染,在自然条件下贮藏易失水、褐变、腐败, 造成果品严重浪费。而且余甘子鲜食时有较强烈的酸涩感,部分消费者难以接受。对余甘子加工,不仅能降低 其酸涩的口感,还能提高经济和生态效益。综述了余甘子中鞣质类、酚酸类、黄酮类和萜类等主要化学成分, 体外和体内模型下抗氧化、预防糖尿病、抗炎、抗菌、护肝等生物活性功能以及余甘子加工制品研究现状,为 充分挖掘余甘子产品的营养价值和深层次开发高附加值产品提供理论依据,以期推动余甘子产业的可持续健康 发展。
      Phyllanthus emblica is a kind of medical and edible fruit containing flavonoids, phenolic acids, tannins, alkaloids and other active substances. It has good functions of antioxidation, anti-inflammation, anti-tumor, anti-bacteria, liver protection, immune regulation and prevention of diabetes. In ancient times, P. emblica was used to treat cough, sore throat, diarrhea, blood fever and other diseases. The fresh fruit of P. emblica has a high moisture content. It is easy to be polluted by microorganisms after harvest. It will appear water loss, browning and rots storaged under natural conditions, resulting in serious waste of fruits. Moreover, the fresh P. emblica has a strong sour and bitter taste, which is difficult to be accepted by some consumers. Processing of P. emblica can not only reduce its sour taste, but also improve economic and ecological benefits. In the study, the main chemical compositions of P. emblica, such as tannins, phenolic acids, flavonoids and terpenes as well as the bioactive functions of antioxidation, prevention of diabetes, anti-inflammation, anti-bacteria and liver protection in vitro and in vivo models, and the research status of processed products of P. emblica are reviewed, with a view to providing a theoretical basis for fully exploiting the nutritional value of products of P. emblica and further developing high value-added products, and to promote the sustainable and healthy development of P. emblica industry.
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