蒋 锋 1,2,梁日朗 1 ,闫 艳 1 ,梁泽恩1 ,黄正刚 1 ,刘鹏飞 1,2.甜玉米果皮厚度遗传分析及 QTL 定位[J].广东农业科学,2022,49(8):21-28
查看全文    HTML 甜玉米果皮厚度遗传分析及 QTL 定位
Genetic Analysis and QTL Mapping ofPericarp Thickness in Sweet Corn
中文关键词: 甜玉米  果皮厚度  主基因 + 多基因  遗传分析  QTL 定位
英文关键词: sweet corn  pericarp thickness  major genes and polygenes  genetic analysis  QTL mapping
基金项目:广东省重点领域研发计划项目(2018B020202013);广 州市岭南特色作物种质资源研究与利用重点实验室项目(202002010010)
蒋 锋 1,2,梁日朗 1 ,闫 艳 1 ,梁泽恩1 ,黄正刚 1 ,刘鹏飞 1,2 1. 仲恺农业工程学院农业与生物学院广东 广州 510225 2. 广州市特色作物种质资源研究与利用重点实验室广东 广州 510225 
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      【目的】对甜玉米果皮厚度性状进行主基因 + 多基因遗传分析及 QTL 定位,研究甜玉米果皮厚度 的遗传机理,选育优质甜玉米品种。【方法】选用果皮厚度差异显著的甜玉米自交系 T15 与 T77 配制杂交组合 T77×T15。以该组合的 F2 群体作为试验材料,采用主基因 + 多基因混合遗传方法进行遗传模型分析;结合 F2 群 体各单株的果皮厚度及 SSR 遗传连锁图谱,利用复合区间作图法对甜玉米果皮厚度进行 QTL 定位。【结果】甜 玉米果皮厚度的最适模型为 A-1,即受 1 对主基因控制的加性和部分显性的遗传模型,主基因遗传率 69.10%。 在第 5、8 染色体上分别检测出 3 个与果皮厚度相关的 QTL,其中第 5 染色体 bin5.04 区域检测到 2 个 QTL, 分别位于标记区间 bnlg150~bnlg653 和 bnlg653~bnlg1208,加性效应值分别为 -2.39 和 -3.01;位于第 8 染色体 的 QTL 在 bin8.03~bin8.04 区域,标记区间为 umc1741~bnlg2046,加性效应值为 -3.06,表型贡献率为 22.02%。 【结论】甜玉米果皮厚度以主基因效应为主,在育种实践中可在早期世代进行遗传改良选择。试验检测到的 QTL 可用于分子标记辅助选择和品质育种。
      【Objective】In order to study the genetic mechanism of sweet corn pericarp thickness and select highquality sweet corn varieties, the major genes and polygenes genetic analysis and QTL mapping of sweet corn pericarp thickness were carried out.【Method】The sweet corn inbred lines T15 and T77 with large differences in pericarp thickness were selected to prepare hybrid combination (T77×T1). The F2 population of the combination was used as the experimental material, the main genes and polygenes hybrid genetic method was used to analyze relevant parameters of the genetic model; Combined with the pericarp thickness and SSR genetic linkage map of each individual plant in F2 population, QTL mapping of pericarp thickness in sweet corn was carried out by using composite interval mapping method.【Result】It was found that A-1 was the optimal model for sweet corn pericarp thickness, that is, an additive and partially dominant genetic model controlled by a pair of major genes, and the heritability of major genes was 69.10%. There were three QTLs identified on chromosomes 5 and 8 respectively, which were related to pericarp thickness. Two QTLs were detected in region bin 5.04 of chromosome 5, which were located in the marker interval bnlg150-bnlg653 and bnlg653-bnlg1208 respectively, and the additive effect values were -2.39 and -3.01 respectively. The QTL located on chromosome 8 was in bin8.03-bin8.04, the marker interval was umc1741-bnlg2046, the additive effect value was -3.06, and the contribution rate to phenotype was 22.02%.【Conclusion】The pericarp thickness of sweet corn is dominated by the effect of major genes. In breeding practice, genetic improvement and selection can be carried out in the early generation. The QTLs detected in this experiment can be used for molecular marker assisted selection and quality breeding.
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