吴林达,林兴奋,黄晓慧,陆凤珍,梁钰欣,杨毅红.新会柑果汁发酵制备细菌纤维素技 术研究[J].广东农业科学,2022,49(8):129-136
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Study on the Production of Bacterial Cellulose by Fermenting Xinhui Citrus Juice
中文关键词: 新会柑  细菌纤维素  红茶菌  发酵  资源化利用
英文关键词: Xinhui citrus  bacterial cellulose  Kombucha  fermentation  resource utilization
基金项目:广 东 省 教 育 厅 特 色 创 新 项 目(2019KTSCX215); 电 子 科 技 大 学 中 山 学 院 校 级 质 量 工 程 项 目(ZXKC202005);广东省教育厅教学改革项目(SJY201907,SJY202101)
吴林达,林兴奋,黄晓慧,陆凤珍,梁钰欣,杨毅红 电子科技大学中山学院材料与食品学院广东 中山 528400 
摘要点击次数: 880
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      【目的】提高废弃新会柑肉的利用率并探讨其制备细菌纤维素(Bacterial cellulose,BC)的技术可行性。 【方法】以新会柑果汁为原料,红茶菌为发酵菌种,探究原料酶解预处理、柠檬酸添加量、发酵时间及 pH 等因 素对 BC 产率的影响,同时探究 BC 膜的含水率和复水率、红外吸收光谱、X 射线衍射及扫描电镜等性质特征。 【结果】鲜榨柑汁糖度和 pH 平均值分别为 10.9% 和 3.9。单因素试验结果显示,添加柠檬酸和酶解预处理不能提 升 BC 产率,以纯柑汁为原料并调节 pH 为 6.0 发酵 15 d 获得 BC 产率相对最高。BC 膜的纤维直径在 80~400 nm 之间,结晶度均在 80% 以上,为力学性能良好的生物纤维材料。酶解预处理对 BC 膜微观结构有较大影响,纯 柑汁生产的 BC 膜以纤细纤维为主,酶解预处理后其微观结构为球形、方形或棱柱状纤维与纤细纤维的复合形态。 【结论】以新会柑果汁为原料生产的 BC 具有良好的复水性能和高结晶度,单因素试验最高产率达到 2.25 g/L, 新会柑果汁可作为细菌纤维素的生产原料。
      【Objective】The study aims to improve the utilization rate of waste Xinhui citrus flesh and explore the technical feasibility of producing bacterial cellulose (BC).【Method】Taking Xinhui citrus juice as raw material and Kombucha as fermentation strain, the study investigated the effects of such factors as enzymatic pretreatment, citric acid addition, fermentation time and pH on the production rate of BC. Meanwhile, the study also explored the water content and rehydration rate of BC membrane, and the characteristics of infrared absorption spectrum, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy.【Result】The average values of Brix and pH of fresh citrus juice were 10.9% and 3.9, respectively. The results of single factor test showed that the production rate of BC failed to be improved by adding citric acid or adopting enzymatic pretreatment. The highest BC production rate could be obtained by using original citrus juice as raw material and adjusting pH to 6.0 for 15 days. Besides, the fiber diameter of BC membrane was between 80 nm and 400 nm, its crystallinity was above 80%, and it could be used to produce biological fiber material with good mechanical properties. Enzymatic pretreatmen had a great impact on the microstructure of BC membrane. The BC membrane produced by original citrus juice was mainly composed of fine fibers. However, under the influence of enzymatic pretreatment, the microstructures of BC membrane was spherical, square or in a composite state of prismatic fiber and fine fiber.【Conclusion】BC produced from Xinhui citrus juice showed good rehydration and high crystallinity, and the maximum production rate reached 2.25 g/L in single factor test. Therefore, Xinhui citrus juice can be used as raw material for bacterial cellulose production.
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