闫翘楚1 ,林 清 1 ,冯雪燕 1 ,苏展勤 1 ,吴细波 2 ,司景磊 2 ,张 哲 1 ,李加琪 1.长白猪群体生长性状的遗传参数及进展分析[J].广东农业科学,2022,49(10):112-117
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Genetic Parameters and Genetic Progress of Growth Traits in a Landrace Pig Population
中文关键词: 长白猪  生长性状  遗传进展  多性状动物模型  遗传力  遗传相关  估计育种值
英文关键词: Landrace pig  growth trait  genetic progress  multi-trait animal model  heritability  genetic correlation  estimated breeding value
闫翘楚1 ,林 清 1 ,冯雪燕 1 ,苏展勤 1 ,吴细波 2 ,司景磊 2 ,张 哲 1 ,李加琪 1 1. 华南农业大学动物科学学院 / 国家生猪种业工程技术研究中心广东 广州 510642 2. 广西农垦永新畜牧集团有限公司广西 南宁 530022 
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      【目的】对长白猪达 100 kg 体重日龄(DAYS_100)、达 100 kg 体重日增重(ADG_100)、达 100 kg 体重眼肌面积(LMA_100)和达 100 kg 体重背膘厚(BFT_100)4 个性状进行遗传参数估计,分析性状间 的相关性及遗传和表型进展,为目标群体的遗传改良提供依据。【方法】收集广西某种猪场核心育种群长白猪 2002—2020 年的生长性状测定记录,利用 R 软件对影响长白猪生长性状的因素进行固定效应分析,运用 DMU 软件和多性状动物模型估计 4 个性状的群体遗传参数,同时评估这些性状间的遗传相关和表型相关以及遗传进 展和表型进展。【结果】长白猪 DAYS_100、ADG_100、LMA_100 和 BFT_100 的估计遗传力分别为 0.399、0.391、 0.433 和 0.421,均属于中高遗传力。性状 DAYS_100 和 ADG_100 的遗传及表型相关呈极度负相关,相关系数分 别为 -0.997 和 -0.992。DAYS_100 表型趋势总体呈上升趋势,其余 3 个性状呈下降趋势;ADG_100 和 BFT_100 遗传趋势总体呈现上升趋势,DAYS_100 和 LMA_100 的遗传趋势总体呈现下降趋势。【结论】长白猪 4 个生长 性状均为中高遗传力性状,可通过直接选择加快遗传进展。DAYS_100 和 ADG_100 性状间的相关性较强。猪场 的表型测定管理及群体育种目标性状的选择对猪群生长性状的表现有影响。此外,养殖场生产管理水平的提高 和品种品系结构的变化也可能会影响遗传进展。
      【Objective】Four genetic parameters including days to 100 kg (DAYS_100), average daily gain (ADG_100), loin muscle area (LMA_100) and average back fat thickness (BFT_100) at 100 kg body weight in a Landrace pig population were estimated, and the correlations between traits as well as genetic and phenotypic progress of the four traits were analyzed, which could provide a basis for the genetic improvement of the target population.【Method】Records of growth traits of Landrace pigs were collected in a core breeding pig farm in Guangxi from 2002 to 2020. A fixed effect analysis on the factors affecting the growth traits of Landrace pigs was conducted by R software. In addition, the genetic parameters of the four traits were estimated with DMU software and a multi-trait animal model. Furthermore, the genetic correlations and phenotypic correlations between these traits, genetic progress and phenotypic progress were evaluated.【Result】The estimated heritability for the four growth traits of Landrace pigs, including DAYS_100, ADG_100, LMA_100 and BFT_100 were 0.399, 0.391, 0.433 and 0.421, respectively, and all of them had medium to high heritability. Both genetic correlation and phenotypic correlation between DAYS_100 and ADG_100 were significantly negative, with correlation coefficient -0.997 and -0.992, respectively. In general, the phenotypic trend of DAYS_100 was rising while the phenotypic trends of ADG_100, LMA_100 and BFT_100 were declining; the genetic trends of ADG_100 and BFT_100 showed an overall upward trend while the trends of DAYS_100 and LMA_100 were generally downward.【Conclusion】The four growth traits of Landrace pigs are medium-high heritability traits, therefore, their genetic progress can be accelerated through direct selection. There is a strong correlation between DAYS_100 and ADG_100. The management of phenotypic measurement of pig farms and the selection of target traits for pig population breeding have an important impact on the performance of growth traits. In addition, the improvements in farm production management and changes in breed structure may influence genetic progress.
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