冯珊珊,刘 序,梁俊芬,周灿芳.广东 1992—2020 年蔬菜生产时空变化特征分析[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(1):50-59
查看全文    HTML 广东 1992—2020 年蔬菜生产时空变化特征分析
Analysis on Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Vegetable Production in Guangdong Province from 1992 to 2020
中文关键词: 蔬菜生产  播种面积  蔬菜产量  蔬菜单产  时空变化  广东
英文关键词: vegetable production  sowing area  vegetable yield  vegetable unit yield  temporal and spatial variation  Guangdong Province
冯珊珊,刘 序,梁俊芬,周灿芳 广东省农业科学院农业经济与信息研究所 /农业农村部华南都市农业重点实验室广东 广州 510640 
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      【目的】揭示广东 1992—2020 年蔬菜生产时空变化特征,为广东蔬菜生产空间布局优化与蔬菜产业发展提供决策依据。【方法】以 1992—2020 年广东蔬菜生产数据为基础,利用时序统计、生产规模指数、生产集中度指数、变化检测等方法,分别从省、市和县域尺度分析广东蔬菜生产的时序变化、空间差异、分布格局与时空变化。【结果】省域尺度上,1992—2020 年广东蔬菜播种面积、产量与单产呈波动上升趋势,播种面积共计增加 73.23 万 hm2,产量共计增加 2 503.31 万 t,单产由 19.07 t/hm2 增至 27.19 t/hm2。市域尺度上,蔬菜种植与产量强市为广州、湛江和茂名;汕头、揭阳和潮州的蔬菜单产相对更高。县域尺度上,蔬菜播种面积≥ 2万 hm2、产量≥ 50 万 t 的县域数量呈明显上升趋势,分布格局从零星分散向聚集连片发展;蔬菜单产≥ 30 t/hm2的县域分布格局由粤东地区零星分布向全省多地聚集连片发展。【结论】1992—2020 年,广东各地市蔬菜生产存在显著的时空分异特征,建议广东蔬菜生产充分发挥区位优势,在确保蔬菜稳产保供基础上,促进各地市及县域蔬菜生产的高效化、优质化与专业化。
      【Objective】The study aims to reveal the spatial and temporal changes of vegetable production in Guangdong Province from 1992 to 2020, with a view to providing a decision basis for the spatial distribution optimization and scientific development strategy of vegetable production in Guangdong Province.【Method】Based on the data of vegetable production in Guangdong Province from 1992 to 2020, the methods of time-series statistics, production scale index, production concentration index, and change monitoring were used to analyze the time-series changes, spatial differences, spatial and temporal distribution and change patterns of vegetable production in Guangdong Province from provincial, municipal and county scales, respectively. 【Result】From the provincial scale, from 1992 to 2020, the vegetable sowing area, yield and unit yield in Guangdong Province had been in a fluctuating ascending trend, with the vegetable sowing area increased by 73.23×104 hm2 and vegetable yield increased by 2503.31×104 t. The vegetable unit yield in Guangdong Province increased from 19.07 t/hm2 in 1992 to 27.19 t/hm2 in 2020. From the municipal scale, the regions with larger vegetable sowing area and higher vegetable yield were mainly distributed in Guangzhou, Zhanjiang and Maoming; meanwhile, the regions with higher vegetable unit yield were mainly distributed in Shantou, Jieyang and Chaozhou. From the county scale, counties with vegetable sowing area of more than 2×104 hm2 or yield of more than 50×104 t showed as a significant upward trend, and the distribution pattern of these counties developed from scattered to aggregated contiguous. Further more, counties with vegetable unit yield of more than 30 t/hm2 were dominated by an upward trend, and the distribution pattern of these counties developed from a sporadic distribution in the eastern Guangdong area to a cluster of contiguous development in many regions of the whole province. 【Conclusion】The results show that the vegetable production in Guangdong Province showed significant spatial and temporal divergence from 1992 to 2020. Therefore, vegetable production in Guangdong Province should be given full attention to regional advantages, and promote the efficiency, high-quality and specialization of vegetable production in various cities and counties on the basis of ensuring the stable production and supply of vegetables.
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