欧玉婵 1,2,申 健 2,陈锐明 3,李盟军 2,李冬娴 3,林挺锐 2,王荣辉 2,王思源 2,艾绍英 2.广东淡水河下游流域水质时空变化特征[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(3):69-77
查看全文    HTML 广东淡水河下游流域水质时空变化特征
Temporal and Spatial Variation Characteristics of Water Quality in the Lower Reaches of Danshui River in Guangdong
中文关键词: 淡水河  水质评价  时空特征  距平系数  综合污染指数
英文关键词: the Danshui River  water quality assessment  spatiotemporal characteristic  anomaly coefficient  comprehensive pollution index
欧玉婵 1,2,申 健 2,陈锐明 3,李盟军 2,李冬娴 3,林挺锐 2,王荣辉 2,王思源 2,艾绍英 2 1. 仲恺农业工程学院资源与环境学院广东 广州 5102252. 广东省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所 / 农业农村部南方植物营养与肥料重点实验室 / 国家土壤质量广州观测实验站 / 广东省农业面源污染监测评估与防控工程技术研究中心广东 广州 5106403. 惠州市惠阳区农业农村综合服务中心广东 惠州 516008 
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      【目的】以广东重点整治河流淡水河下游流域为研究对象,探究其主要支流污染物的时空动态变化特征。【方法】通过遥感影像判读结合实地调研的方法,针对广东淡水河下游各支流流域不同土地利用功能区域河段布置监测点,开展断面水质逐月实地监测,利用单因子评价法、综合污染指数法和距平系数法等对其水质时空变化特征进行评价分析。【结果】淡水河下游主要支流中,除麻溪水外,其他支流汇水断面各监测指标均明显高于源头水质,总氮是主要污染因子;研究期间区域水体的氨氮达标率从 69.70% 提升至 79.17%,化学需氧量的达标率从 68.94% 提升至 70.08%。在年内变化上,麻溪水综合污染指数波动较小,大沥水波动较为剧烈,在 1 月、4 月、11 月和 12 月时明显高于其他月份,氨氮贡献占比达到 15%~37%,与总氮同为大沥水流域的重要水污染物;而各支流枯水期总氮污染指数均明显高于丰水期,但总磷污染指数则略低于丰水期,总体上各支流枯水期的综合污染指数高于丰水期;在空间上,淡水河西岸支流水质优于东岸,工业区、城镇生活区和农村居民区分别对流经河段的总氮、氨氮和总磷产生较大影响。【结论】淡水河下游西岸麻溪水水质整体较优,东岸大坑水、沙田水和大沥水水质相对较差,各支流综合污染指数年内变化无明显规律,工业、城镇及农村居民点附近河段污染指数高于其他河段。
      【Objective】Taking the lower reaches of Danshui River, a major regulated river in Guangdong Province, as the research object, the temporal and spatial dynamic changes of pollutants in its main tributaries were investigated. 【Method】Through the method of remote sensing image interpretation combined with field investigation, monitoring points were arranged for different land use function areas in tributary basins of the lower reaches of the Danshui River in Guangdong Province, and monthly field monitoring of water quality in cross sections was carried out. Single factor evaluation method, comprehensive pollution index method and anomaly coefficient method were used to evaluate and analyze the spatio-temporal variation characteristics of water quality.【Result】In the main tributaries of the lower reaches of the Danshui River, except for Maxi River, the monitoring indexes of the catchment sections of other tributaries were significantly higher than those of the source water quality, and TN was the main pollution factor. During the study period, the NH4+-N compliance rate increased from 69.70% to 79.17%, and the COD compliance rate increased from 68.94% to 70.08%.In terms of annual variation, the fluctuation of the comprehensive pollution index of the Maxi River was the most stable, and the fluctuation of the Dali River was more severe, which was obviously higher in January, April, November and December compared with other months. The contribution rate of NH4+-N in the Dali River accounted for 15%-37%, and the TN was an important water pollutant in the Dali River. The TN pollution index in dry period was significantly higher than that in wet period, however, the TP pollution index was slightly lower than that in wet period. In general, the comprehensive pollution index of each tributary in the dry period was higher than that in the wet period. Spatially, the water quality of the west bank tributaries of the Danshui River was better than that of the east bank. Industrial zone, urban living area and rural residential area had a great impact on the TN, NH4+-N and TP flowing through the river section, respectively.【Conclusion】In the lower reaches of the Danshui River, the water quality of the Maxi River on the west bank is generally better, while that of the Dakeng River, the Shatian River and the Dali River on the east bank is relatively poor. The pollution indexes of various tributaries have no obvious change rules during the year, and the pollution indexes of the river reaches near industrial, urban and rural residential areas are higher than those of other river reaches.
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