胡 泊 1,王田月2,李小红 3,梁 威 4,孔令孜 3,陆宇明 5.小农户经营视角下统分结合双层经营体制创新研究——基于广西的案例调查分析[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(3):157-166
查看全文    HTML 小农户经营视角下统分结合双层经营体制创新研究——基于广西的案例调查分析
Research on Innovation of the Dual Management System Combining Centralization and Decentralization from the Small Farmers' Perspective-Based on Cases from Guangxi
中文关键词: 农村基本经营制度  小农户  村集体经济组织  农业新型经营主体  农业产业化  模式创新
英文关键词: basic rural management system  small farmer  rural collective economic organization  new type of agricultural business  agriculture industrialization  model innovation
胡 泊 1,王田月2,李小红 3,梁 威 4,孔令孜 3,陆宇明 5 1. 广西壮族自治区农业科学院园艺研究所广西 南宁 5300072. 广西职业师范学院旅游与公共管理学院广西 南宁 5300073. 广西壮族自治区农业科学院农业科技信息研究所广西 南宁 5300074. 广西农村经济经营管理总站广西 南宁 5300225. 广西壮族自治区农业科学院广西 南宁 530007 
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      为了更好地坚持巩固家庭承包经营、创新完善统分结合双层经营体制,发挥好村集体经济组织在规模化、产业化发展背景下对小农户“统”的功能和作用,采用文献梳理、实地调查、案例实证、聚类比较、统计分析的方法,对广西 47 个村集体组织经济发展现状和 4 个范例村开展了研究。研究发现,近年来广西村集体尽管完成了集体资产股权改革,集体收入有所增加,但整体上经营活力相对还比较薄弱,对农户的组织、服务程度还比较低,村、户之间在生产经营上粘连度小;4 个可复制推广的实践模式范例表明,相比较企业等资本主导的经营主体,村集体经济组织对小农户经营具有更强的适配性,是组织和服务小农户的重要新型经营主体。因此,建议利用好农村集体资产“三变”改革成果,开展统分结合双层经营体制创新发展试点,加快村集体经济组织的法规制度供给,建立财政投入优先向村集体覆盖、往农户延伸的机制,以村股份经济合作社为扶持重点发展村集体经济,组织带动小农户融入现代农业产业化发展。
      In order to adhere to the consolidation of household contracted management, innovate and improve the dual management system combining centralization and decentralization (DMS), and give full play to the function and role of rural collective organizations in the centralization of small farmers, the status of economic development of 47 rural collective organizations and 4 practical models that can be copied and promoted in Guangxi were studied by adopting methods such as literature combing, field survey, case demonstration and clustering and comparison and statistical analysis. The research found that in recent years, although the village collectives in Guangxi have completed the equity reform of collective assets, and the collective incomes have increased, the overall operation vitality is still relatively weak, the organization and service degree for small farmers is relatively low, and the adhesion between village and household in production and operation is small. The 4 practical models analyzed show that, compared with capital-oriented business entities such as enterprises, village collective economic organizations have stronger adaptability to the management of small farmers, being important new business entities to organize and serve small farmers. Therefore, it is suggest that it should be made good use of the results of the “three transformations” reform of rural collective assets, to carry out the pilot of the innovative development of the DMS, to speed up the supply of laws and regulations of village collective economic organizations, to establish a mechanism of financial investment to cover village collectives and to extend to small farmers preferentially, and to develop the village collective economy with the support of village-equity economic cooperatives so as to organize and drive small farmers to integrate into the development of modern agricultural industrialization.
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