江 彪 1,闫晋强 1,晏石娟 2,谢大森 1,刘文睿 1,王 敏 1.葫芦科作物基因组学研究进展[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(4):1-12
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Research Progresses on the Genomics of Cucurbitaceae Crops
中文关键词: 葫芦科作物  基因组  全基因组测序  物种进化  农艺性状  基因挖掘
英文关键词: Cucurbitaceae crop  reference genome  whole genome sequencing  evolution  agronomic traits  gene mining
江 彪 1,闫晋强 1,晏石娟 2,谢大森 1,刘文睿 1,王 敏 1 1. 广东省农业科学院蔬菜研究所 / 广东省蔬菜新技术研究重点实验室广东 广州 5106402. 广东省农业科学院农业生物基因研究中心广东 广州 510640 
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      葫芦科拥有许多常见的蔬菜和瓜果,在农业生产和人民生活中占有举足轻重的地位。高质量参考基因组是重要农艺性状相关基因挖掘、种质资源精准鉴评及分子设计育种体系建立及应用的重要前提。随着测序技术的快速发展,陆续建立了 Sanger、Roche 454、Illumina、PacBio 等测序平台,测序成本不断降低,不同物种的基因组测序工作陆续完成。黄瓜是葫芦科作物研究的模式作物,是第一个完成基因组测序的蔬菜作物。随后,包括西瓜、甜瓜、南瓜和冬瓜等在内的葫芦科作物逐步完成了全基因组测序,显著提升了葫芦科作物的基因组学、系统进化和分子生物学研究水平 。本文综述了葫芦科主要作物在全基因组测序方面取得的一系列重要进展,全基因组测序工作在葫芦科作物起源与进化、重要农艺性状相关基因挖掘等方面的实际应用情况,并对葫芦科作物端粒到端粒(T2T)基因组和泛基因组的构建进行了展望。
      Cucurbitaceae family includes many common vegetables and fruits, and plays an important role in agricultural production. High quality genome is essential for gene mining of agronomically important traits, evaluation of germplasm resources and construction of molecular breeding system. With the rapid development of sequencing technology, Sanger, Roche 454, Illumina and PacBio sequencing platform had been established, which resulted in the continuous reduction of sequencing costs and many genomes of different species have been reported. Cucumber is a model crop for Cucurbitaceae crop research, and is the first vegetable crop to complete the genome sequencing. Subsequently, more and more Cucurbitaceae crops including watermelon, melon, pumpkin and winter gourd have completed the whole genome De Novo sequencing, which significantly improved research level of genomics, systematic evolution and molecular biology of Cucurbitaceae family. In this review, we summarized the progresses made on the De Novo sequencing of main Cucurbitaceae crops, and their application in understanding the origin and evolution of the family and mining genes controlling agronomically important traits. Moreover, we also prospected the construction of Telomerase-to-Telomere (T2T) genome and pan-genome of Cucurbitaceae family.
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