李松刚,张 蕾,洪继旺,何书强,杨子琴.环剥与药剂处理对龙眼果实落果及果柄离层响应的影响[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(4):60-65
查看全文    HTML 环剥与药剂处理对龙眼果实落果及果柄离层响应的影响
Effects of Girdling and Chemical Treatments on the Response of Longan Fruit and Layer
中文关键词: 龙眼  环剥  IAA  乙烯利  百草枯  尿素  疏果  保果
英文关键词: longan  girdling  IAA  ethephon  paraquat  urea  fruit thinning  fruit preserving
李松刚,张 蕾,洪继旺,何书强,杨子琴 中国热带农业科学院热带作物品种资源研究所 / 国家热带果树品种改良中心海南 海口 571101 
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      【目的】海南龙眼生产模式可分为自然成花的正造龙眼和氯酸钾催花的反季节龙眼,合理的果实负载量对树势保持和避免出现大小年结果极为重要。正造与反季节龙眼生产上的果实负载调控模式差异很大,龙眼正造果实坐果量极大,严重影响树势和果实品质;而反季节龙眼采前落果普遍发生,严重影响龙眼产量,因此正造龙眼的疏果和反季节龙眼的保果同样重要。【方法】以海南主栽品种石硖龙眼为试验材料,开展正造疏果和反季节保果两个试验。正造龙眼果穗进行不同疏果药剂处理,研究疏果效应;反季节龙眼人为诱导落果后,配合不同保果药剂处理,研究保果效应。【结果】通过对龙眼果实落果率和果柄离层分离力的跟踪监测,发现胁迫促进脱落情况下,IAA 和 DMTU 处理可延迟反季节龙眼果实脱落进程 2 d,2,4-D 和 NAA 处理可延迟果实脱落进程 3 d,但均不能阻止果实脱落,IAA 取代果实的位置处理可完全抑制果柄分离;环剥处理可诱导 100% 正造龙眼果实在 6 d 内全部脱落;不同浓度乙烯利、百草枯与 100 g/L 尿素处理后 10 d 内分别诱发11.88%~53.05%、29.23% 及 35.43% 的果实脱落,仅尿素处理 10 d 后落果极少,其余处理均出现延续性落果。【结论】碳水化合物亏缺、百草枯、乙烯利、尿素均可诱发龙眼果柄离层分离,对正造龙眼有疏果效果;IAA、2,4-D、NAA 和 DMTU 可延缓果柄离层分离,从而有效延缓反季节龙眼采前落果。所有能增强 IAA 信号的处理均可起到保果作用,而能降低 IAA 合成、转运以及增强乙烯信号的药剂处理均对疏果有作用。建议正造龙眼树采取尽早疏果的措施,以减少碳水化合物的消耗、保障果实产量及品质;反季节龙眼在中果期采取保果措施保证 IAA 在果实中积累,以实现果实不脱落。
      【Objective】The production mode of Hainan longan can be divided into natural flowering on-season longan and off-season longan induced by potassium chlorate. Reasonable fruit loading is extremely important to maintain tree vigor and avoid alternate bearing results. The fruit loading regulation modes in the production of on-season and off-season longan are greatly different. The fruit setting amount of on-season longan is great, which seriously affects the tree vigor and fruit quality, while off-season longan fruit abscission before harvest is a common phenomenon, which seriously affects the yield.Therefore, fruit thinning of on-season longan and fruit preserving of off-season longan are equally important in the production.【Method】The main cultivar Shixia longan was used as the test material, and two tests including fruit thinning of on-season longan and fruit preserving of off-season long were set. The fruit thinning effect was studied by treating the longan ears with different fruit thinning agents, and the fruit preserving effect was studied with the treatment of different fruit preserving agents after artificially induced fruit abscission of off-season longan.【Result】By tracking and monitoring the fruit abscission rate and the separation force of the pedicel abscission layer, it was found that IAA and DMTU treatments delayed fruit abscission process for 2 days, 2,4-D and NAA treatments delayed the fruit abscission process for 3 days in off-season longan, but neither of them could prevent fruit abscission. Treatment of fruit substituted by IAA completely inhibited the pedicel separation in off-season longan. Girdling treatment could induce 100% of on-season longan fruit abscission within 6 days; different concentrations of ethephon, paraquat and 100 g/L urea treatment could induce 11.88%-53.05%, 29.23% and 35.43% of fruit abscission respectively within 10 days. After 10 days, there was very little fruit abscission under urea treatment, while other treatments showed sustained fruit abscission.【Conclusion】The results show that carbohydrate stress, paraquat, ethephon and urea treatment can induce the abscission layer separation of longan pedicel, and these agents have a fruit thinning effect on onseason longan. IAA, 2,4-D, NAA, DMTU can delay the abscission layer separation of fruit pedicel, which can effectively delay the abscission of off-season longan before harvest. All the treatments that can enhance the IAA signal can play a role in fruit preserving, while all the treatments that reduce the synthesis and transport of IAA and the treatments that enhance the ethylene signal have effects on fruit thinning. Therefore, in terms of production, it is suggested that measures should be taken to thin the fruit of on-season longan as early as possible to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates and then ensure the quality and yield of the fruits. In the middle fruiting period of off-season longan, certain fruit preserving measures should be taken to ensure the accumulation of IAA in the fruit to avoid the abscission of fruits.
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