陈红川,刘 红,黄小军,刘春贞.数字经济背景下农业高质量发展水平评价研究[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(4):142-155
查看全文    HTML 数字经济背景下农业高质量发展水平评价研究
Research on the Evaluation of High-Quality Agricultural Development Level Under the Background of Digital Economy
中文关键词: 数字经济  农业高质量发展水平  时空演变特征  面板数据熵值法  莫兰指数
英文关键词: digital economy  high-quality agricultural development level  spatial-temporal evolution characteristics  panel data entropy method  Moran’s index
陈红川,刘 红,黄小军,刘春贞 广州大学管理学院广东 广州 510006 
摘要点击次数: 812
全文下载次数: 615
      【目的】对农业高质量发展水平进行评价,可以准确把握我国各省市农业发展现状,进而提出提升建议,促进农业高质量发展。【方法】从农业数字经济发展水平、农业绿色发展水平、农业高效产出水平、农民生活水平 4 个维度构建评价指标体系,基于 2016—2020 年我国 27 个省市面板数据,运用面板数据熵值法评价农业高质量发展水平,采用莫兰指数分析农业高质量发展水平时空演变特征。【结果】2016—2020 年我国农业高质量发展水平普遍较低,综合得分年均值仅为 0.25,区域异质性差异显著;2020 年我国农业高质量发展水平综合得分均值为 0.26,而农业数字经济发展水平、农业绿色发展水平、农业高效产出水平、农民生活水平得分均值分别为 0.14、0.06、0.03、0.04;我国农业高质量发展水平存在显著的空间正相关,且空间相关性呈减弱趋势,我国多数省市处于低水平聚集区并长期未变动。【结论】根据研究结果,提出建议:倡导绿色农业,改善农村居住环境;促进农业数字经济发展,提高农业产出水平;加强农业创新,提升产业竞争力;改变产业模式,重视农民生活质量;加强区域协助,实现共同发展。
      【Objective】By evaluating high-quality agricultural development level, the development and current situation of agricultural development in various provinces and cities of China could be mastered accurately. Base on this, it further puts forward corresponding suggestions which can promote the high-quality agricultural development.【Method】An evaluation index system based on four dimensions including agricultural digital economy development level, agricultural green development level, agricultural efficient output level and farmers’ living standards was constructed. Based on the panel data of 27 provinces and cities in China from 2016 to 2020, the high-quality agricultural development level was evaluated by panel data entropy method, and its spatial-temporal evolution characteristics was analyzed by using Moran’s index.【Result】The high-quality agricultural development level is generally low in China (annual average = 0.25) and its regional heterogeneity was significant from 2016 to 2020. The national average score of agricultural high-quality development level in 2020 was 0.26, while the national average scores of agricultural digital economy development level, agricultural green development level, agricultural efficient output level and farmers’ living standard in 2020 were 0.14, 0.06, 0.03 and 0.04, respectively. The high-quality agricultural development level in China is positively correlative with spatial and the positive correlation shows a decreasing trend, and most of provinces and cities of China are in low-level clusters and remain unchanged for a long time.【Conclusion】According to the results, some suggestions as follows are proposed: Advocating green agriculture and improving the rural residential environment; promoting the development of agricultural digital economy and raising the level of agricultural output; strengthening agricultural innovation to enhance industrial competitiveness; changing the industrial model and improving the living quality of farmers; strengthening regional assistance to achieve common development.
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