顾梦云,曾伟达,宿庆连,黄明翅,冯肖梅,刘艳艳,张雪莲,周晓云.不同 LED 光质配比和光照强度对红掌新品种福星组织培养的影响[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(5):46-55
查看全文    HTML 不同 LED 光质配比和光照强度对红掌新品种福星组织培养的影响
Effects of Different LED Light Quality Ratio and Light Intensity on Tissue Culture of A New Anthurium andraeanum Cultivar Fuxing
中文关键词: 红掌  LED 光照  愈伤组织诱导  增殖培养  壮苗培养
英文关键词: Anthurium  LED light  callus induction  proliferation culture  seedling culture
顾梦云,曾伟达,宿庆连,黄明翅,冯肖梅,刘艳艳,张雪莲,周晓云 广州花卉研究中心广东 广州 510360 
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      【目的】光照条件是影响红掌组培效率的关键因素之一,研究不同 LED 光质配比和光照强度对红掌福星组织培养不同阶段的影响,探讨适宜红掌组培各阶段的 LED 光质配比和光照强度,为红掌高效组培提供重要技术参考。【方法】以红掌新品种福星为试验材料,设置不同比例的红光和蓝光 LED 光质配比和光照强度,分析其对红掌福星愈伤组织诱导、增殖培养及壮苗培养的影响。【结果】LED 红光光质条件较适宜红掌福星愈伤组织诱导,光照强度为 100 lx 的 10%R 光质条件下,愈伤组织诱导率最高、达 79.58%,且愈伤组织块呈黄绿色、紧实、体积大,状态表现好,适宜红掌福星叶片愈伤组织诱导;R∶B = 3∶1 光质配比适于红掌福星愈伤组织增殖培养,光照强度为 600 lx 时,增殖系数最高、达 6.44;与 WL 光照条件相比,R∶B = 4∶1 光质配比更适宜红掌福星愈伤组织芽分化培养,愈伤组织芽分化在光照强度为 1 000 lx 时,愈伤组织块的增殖分化芽个数较少、为 19.44 个,芽矮壮,无黄叶现象,生长势好;红掌福星壮苗阶段组培苗培养,适合的光质配比是 R∶B = 4∶1,光照强度为 900 lx 时,红掌福星壮苗植株根条数较多、平均为 5.67 条,株高 2.88 cm、茎粗 1.44 mm、叶长 11.69 mm、叶宽 8.54 mm,植株叶片大,SPAD 值为 39.23,叶片叶绿素含量更高,植株整体生长健壮且无黄叶现象。【结论】LED 光照条件对红掌福星愈伤组织诱导、增殖培养及壮苗培养均有影响,根据红掌组织培养不同阶段的光照需求,选用合适的 LED 光质配比和光照强度条件,能有效提高红掌组培愈伤组织诱导率、增殖率和组培苗生产质量,为红掌新品种福星高效标准化生产提供技术支持。
      【Objective】 The light condition is one of the key factors that affect the tissue culture efficiency of Anthurium andraeanum. The effects of different LED light quality ratio and light intensity on different stages of A. andraeanum tissue culture were studied to explore these light conditions suitable for each stage of tissue culture of A. andraeanum and provide an important technical reference for efficient tissue culture of A. andraeanum. 【Method】The new A. andraeanum cultivar Fuxing was used as the experimental material, and the effects of different proportions of red and blue LED light ratio and light intensity on callus induction, proliferation culture and strong seedling culture of A. andraeanum Fuxing were analyzed. 【Result】 The LED red light quality was more suitable for the callus induction of A. andraeanum Fuxing, the 10% R light quality condition with light intensity of 100 lx had the highest callus induction rate of 79.58%, and the callus mass was yellow-green, compact, large in volume and good in state, which was suitable for the callus induction of A. andraeanum Fuxing leaves. The light quality ratio of R ∶ B = 3 ∶ 1 was suitable for callus proliferation culture of A. andraeanum Fuxing, and the proliferation coefficient was the highest (6.44) when the light intensity was 600 lx. Compared with WL light conditions, R ∶ B = 4 ∶ 1 light quality ratio was more suitable for the callus bud differentiation culture of A. andraeanum Fuxing, when the light intensity was 1 000 lx, the number of callus proliferation and differentiation was 19.44, and the buds were short and strong with good growth potential, without yellow leaf phenomenon. The light quality ratio suitable for the tissue culture seedling culture of A. andraeanum Fuxing at the strong seedling stage was R∶B = 4∶1, the light intensity was 900 lx, the number of roots of the strong seedlings of was more, with an average of 5.67, the plant height was 2.88 cm, the stem diameter was 1.44 mm, the leaf length was 11.69 mm, the leaf width was 8.54 mm, the plant leaf was large, the SPAD value was 39.23, the chlorophyll content of the leaf was higher, and the overall growth of the plant was robust without yellow leaf phenomenon. 【Conclusion】 LED light conditions have an impact on callus induction, proliferation culture, and strong seedling culture of A. andraeanum Fuxing in tissue culture. According to the lighting requirements at different stages of A. andraeanum tissue culture, selecting appropriate LED light quality ratio and light intensity conditions can effectively improve the callus induction rate, proliferation rate and tissue culture seedling production quality of A. andraeanum in tissue culture, and provide technical support for the efficient and standardized production of new A. andraeanum cultivar Fuxing.
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