徐学忠 1,张丽琴 1,胡靖锋 1,杨红丽1,兰 梅 1,杨 鼎 2,李崇娟 2,和江明 1.结球甘蓝系列杂交种(GL22)的选育[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(5):56-63
查看全文    HTML 结球甘蓝系列杂交种(GL22)的选育
Breeding Series of Hybrid Varieties (GL22) for Heading Cabbage
中文关键词: 结球甘蓝  种质资源  胞质雄性不育系  自交系  杂交种  抗病能力
英文关键词: heading cabbage  germplasm resource  cytoplasmic male sterility line  inbred line  hybrids  disease resistance
基金项目:国家大宗蔬菜产业技术体系昆明综合试验站项目(CARS-23-G33);2022 年云南省通海县蔬菜产业科技特派团项目(202204BI090023);云南种子种业联合实验室项目(202205AR070001);云南省“万人计划”产业领军人才项目(YNWR-CYJS-2018-040)
徐学忠 1,张丽琴 1,胡靖锋 1,杨红丽1,兰 梅 1,杨 鼎 2,李崇娟 2,和江明 1 1. 云南省农业科学院园艺作物研究所云南 昆明 6502052. 云南大学农学院云南 昆明 650504 
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      【目的】利用自有结球甘蓝种质资源,根据市场对口感型、鲜食型品种的需求,选育出更多性状优良、符合市场供需的结球甘蓝品种。【方法】以团队前期选育的 13 个结球甘蓝 Ougra 不育材料为母本,10 个结球甘蓝自交系材料(GL14000-14009)为父本,通过杂交,配制 14 个结球甘蓝杂交组合材料,分别从开展度、外叶数、纵径、横径、中心柱长度、品质测定、品质鉴定、产量和抗病性等方面进行比较筛选。【结果】筛选出的 4 个结球甘蓝杂交组合材料 GL22-02、GL22-06、GL22-11 和 GL22-13,在农艺性状、优质性和产量均优于对照种特加 2 号,叶球均呈圆球型,帮叶比分别为 26.9%、20.8%、23.1% 和 16.8%,均优于对照种(31.3%);叶球紧实度分别为 0.76、0.73、0.59 和 0.62 g/cm3 ,比对照种高 0.16 g/cm3 以上;中心柱长度均小于叶球高的 1/2,分别为 4.9、4.3、4.8 和 4.6 cm;水分含量分别为 93.22%、94.17%、93.75% 和 93.61%;蛋白质含量分别为 1.51%、1.28%、1.39%和 1.36%;可溶性糖含量分别为 5.61%、5.69%、5.56% 和 5.84%,比对照种高 0.14~0.37 个百分点;粗纤维含量分别为 0.61%、0.71%、0.69% 和 0.67%,比对照种低 0.08~0.18 个百分点;维生素 C 含量分别为 682.3、687.1、699.1 和 682.3 mg/kg,比对照种高 48.4~65.2 mg/kg;经食用品质鉴定,筛选出的结球甘蓝 4 个杂交组合材料,叶球生(鲜)食,质地脆嫩,口感较甜。结球甘蓝组合材料的黑腐病抗病能力均为高抗(HR),且与对照种相同;产量分别比对照种增产 4.80%、8.46%、10.97% 和 8.46%。【结论】筛选出的 GL22-02、GL22-06、GL22-11 和GL22-13 4 个组合材料,综合农艺性状和经济性状优良,可进一步大面积推广示范。
      【Objective】According to the market’s demand for taste-type and fresh-eatable cabbage,more varieties of cabbage with good characters and in line with market supply and demand were selected by using its own germplasm resources.【Method】Using 13 Ougra sterile heading cabbage materials selected by the team as female parents and 10 inbred lines heading cabbage materials (GL14000-14009) as male parents, 14 heading cabbage hybrid combinations were prepared through hybridization, the experiments were compared and screened from the aspects of plant width, outer leaf number, longitudinal diameter, transverse diameter, central column length, yield and disease resistance.【Result】After comparison, GL22-02, GL22-06, GL22-11 and GL22-13 were obtained, and their agrtural traits, quality and yield were better than those of the control Tejia No. 2. All the leaf bulbs were round, and the petiole-leaf ratio was 26.9%, 20.8%, 23.1% and 16.8%. It was better than that of control variety (31.3%). Leaf bulb compactness was 0.76, 0.73, 0.59 and 0.62 g/cm3, which was more than 0.16 g/cm3 higher than that of the control variety. The central column length was less than half of the leaf bulb height, 4.9, 4.3, 4.8 and 4.6 cm, respectively. The moisture contents were 93.22%, 94.17%, 93.75% and 93.61%, protein contents were 1.51%, 1.28%, 1.39% and 1.36%, respectively. The soluble sugar content were 5.61%, 5.69%, 5.56% and 5.84%, respectively, which were 0.14-0.37 percentage point higher than that of the control variety. The crude cellulose content were 0.61%, 0.71%, 0.69% and 0.67%, respectively, which were 0.08-0.18 percentage point lower than that of the control variety. The vitamin C contents were 682.3, 687.1, 699.1 and 682.3 mg/kg, respectively, which were 48.4-65.2 mg/kg higher than the control variety. After edible quality identification, four hybrid materials of heading cabbage were selected, the leaf balls were raw (fresh) to eat, crisp texture, sweet taste. The black rot disease resistance of the composite materials was high (HR), the same as that of the control.The yield was 4.80%, 8.46%, 10.97% and 8.46% higher than that of control Tejia No. 2.【Conclusion】The four composite materials GL22-02, GL22-06, GL22-11 and GL22-13 were selected. They both had agronomic and economic characters, which can be used for production demonstration in large scale.
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