潘桂娟,刘 雯,刘 爽,雷泽湘.木本植物净化不同盐度海水养殖污水的效果研究[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(5):83-93
查看全文    HTML 木本植物净化不同盐度海水养殖污水的效果研究
Study on the Purification Effect of Woody Plants on Mariculture Wastewater with Different Salinity
中文关键词: 木本植物  海水养殖污水  去除率  盐度  氮磷  净化效果
英文关键词: woody plants  mariculture wastewater  removal rate  salinity  nitrogen and phosphorus  purification effect
潘桂娟,刘 雯,刘 爽,雷泽湘 仲恺农业工程学院资源与环境学院 / 广东省普通高校农业产地污染综合防治工程技术研究中心广东 广州 510225 
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      【目的】研究不同木本植物对养殖污水中污染物的去除效果,为植物净化海水养殖污水提供参考。【方法】选择小叶榄仁和黄杨两种木本植物进行水培盆栽试验,研究不同盐度(0‰、2.5‰、5‰、7.5‰、10‰、15‰、20‰)对小叶榄仁和黄杨净化海水养殖污水的影响。【结果】(1)小叶榄仁和黄杨对总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)的去除率随盐度增加而降低,对化学需氧量(COD)的去除率随盐度的增加呈现波动变化,小叶榄仁对TN 和 TP 的去除效果比黄杨好。(2)在不同盐度条件下,两种植物对氮磷的吸收和去除效果不同,对氮的积累量均表现为地下部>地上部。小叶榄仁对磷的积累量在低盐度时表现为地下部>地上部,而黄杨对磷的积累量随盐度增加呈波动变化。小叶榄仁对氮磷的积累量高于黄杨,当盐度为 0‰、2.5‰、5‰、7.5‰、10‰、15‰、20‰时,小叶榄仁吸收的氮磷量分别为 1.83、2.01、1.78、1.91、1.95、1.35、1.68 mg/g;随着盐度增加,小叶榄仁和黄杨对 K+ 的积累波动较大,而对 Na+ 的积累量呈现出递增趋势,当盐度> 2.5‰时,其对 Na+ 的积累均表现出地上部>地下部的规律,而 Na+ 积累量增多,可降低小叶榄仁和黄杨对氮磷的去除能力。(3)pH、氧化还原电位(ORP)、溶解氧(DO)等环境因子在一定程度上对植物去除污水中污染物和吸收氮磷、K+、Na+ 有影响。【结论】两种植物对海水养殖污水的污染物有一定的去除效果,且净化效果均优于对照,小叶榄仁对海水养殖污水的净化效果优于黄杨,可作为处理海水养殖污水的优先选择。
      【Objective】To study the removal effect of different woody plants on pollutants in mariculture wastewater, and to provide reference for the purification of mariculture wastewater by plants.【Method】Terminalia neotaliala Capuron and Buxus sinica were selected for hydroponic pot experiment to study the effects of different salinity ( 0 ‰ , 2.5 ‰ , 5 ‰ , 7.5 ‰ , 10 ‰ , 15 ‰ , 20 ‰ ) on the purification of mariculture wastewater.【Result】(1) The removal rates of TN and TP by T. neotaliala Capuron and B. sinica decreased with the increase of salinity, and the removal rate of COD fluctuated with the increase of salinity. The removal efficiency of TN and TP by T. neotaliala Capuron was higher than that of B. sinica. (2) Under different salinity conditions, the two plants had different absorption and removal effects on nitrogen and phosphorus. The accumulation of nitrogen showed the rule of underground > aboveground. The accumulation of phosphorus in T. neotaliala Capuron showed underground > aboveground at low salinity, while the accumulation of phosphorus in B. sinica fluctuated with the increase of salinity. The accumulation of nitrogen and phosphorus in T. neotaliala Capuron was higher than that in B. sinica. When the salinity was 0‰ , 2.5‰ , 5‰ , 7.5‰ , 10‰ , 15‰ , 20‰ , the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus taken away by T. neotaliala Capuron absorption was 1.83 mg/g, 2.01 mg/g, 1.78 mg/g, 1.91 mg/g, 1.95 mg/g, 1.35 mg/g and 1.68 mg/g, respectively. With the increase of salinity, the accumulation of K+ in T. neotaliala Capuron and B. sinica fluctuated greatly, while the accumulation of Na+ showed an increasing trend. When salinity > 2.5 ‰ , the accumulation of Na+ showed the rule of aboveground > underground, and the increase of Na+ accumulation reduced the ability of plants to remove nitrogen and phosphorus. (3) pH, ORP, DO and other environmental factors have a certain influence on the removal of pollutants from sewage and the absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus, K+ and Na+ by plants. 【Conclusion】The two plants have a certain removal effect on the pollutants of mariculture wastewater, and the purification effect is better than CK. The purification effect of T. neotaliala Capuron on mariculture wastewater is better than that of B. sinica. T. neotaliala Capuron can be preferentially selected for the treatment of mariculture wastewater.
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