王晓园 1 ,黄瑞寅 1 ,谢旭明 2 ,曾海亮 2 ,陈 钦 2 ,安玉兴 3 ,罗莎莎 3 ,武春屹 3 ,李宙文 1.广东梅州烟区土壤与烟叶化学成分特征评价及其相关性分析[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(6):62-72
查看全文    HTML 广东梅州烟区土壤与烟叶化学成分特征评价及其相关性分析
Evaluation and Correlation Analysis of Soil Nutrients and Chemical Constituents of Tobacco Leaves in Meizhou Tobacco Production Area of Guangdong
中文关键词: 广东梅州  土壤特征  烟叶化学成分  主成分分析  逐步回归分析
英文关键词: Meizhou in Guangdong  soil traits  chemical constituents of tobacco leaves  principal component analysis  stepwise regression analysis
基金项目:广东中烟工业有限责任公司科研项目(粤烟工〔2021〕科字第 027 号)
王晓园 1 ,黄瑞寅 1 ,谢旭明 2 ,曾海亮 2 ,陈 钦 2 ,安玉兴 3 ,罗莎莎 3 ,武春屹 3 ,李宙文 1 1. 广东中烟工业有限责任公司广东 广州 510315 2. 广东烟草梅州市有限公司五华县分公司广东 五华 514400 3. 广东省科学院南繁种业研究所广东 广州 510316 
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      【目的】研究广东梅州烟叶主产区土壤和烟叶化学成分特征及其相关关系,探究影响烟叶化学品 质的关键土壤因子。【方法】选取广东梅州烟叶主产区 48 个植烟土壤及相应的烤后中上部烟叶,分析土壤和 烟叶化学成分特征,并对土壤和烟叶化学成分指标进行逐步回归分析。【结果】广东梅州烟区土壤偏酸比例占 64.58%,有机质(SOM)及水溶性有机碳(WSOC)含量丰富,全氮(TN)含量适宜比例占 68.75%,全磷(TP) 丰及很丰比例占 70.83%,全钾(TK)缺和极缺比例占 68.75%,速效氮(AN)、速效磷(AP)和速效钾(AK) 含量丰富,其中丰及很丰比例分别占 97.92%、91.76% 和 79.17%。中部烟叶总糖和淀粉含量及糖碱比偏高, 比例分别占 91.67%、100% 及 66.67%,上部烟叶总糖、还原糖、淀粉含量及糖碱比偏高比例分别占 87.50%、 75.00%、100% 及 56.25%,烟碱含量偏低,比例占 47.92%。主成分分析结果表明,糖碱比、总氮、烟碱、总糖 和还原糖含量是评价广东梅州中部烟叶化学成分的主要指标,还原糖含量、糖碱比、总糖和烟碱含量是评价梅 州上部烟叶化学成分的主要指标。中部烟叶化学综合质量与土壤 AK 含量呈正相关关系;中部烟叶烟碱含量与 土壤 AK 含量呈负相关关系;中部烟叶总糖、还原糖、淀粉含量以及上部烟叶淀粉含量与土壤 WSOC 含量呈负 相关关系;上部烟叶还原糖含量与土壤 AP 呈正相关关系;上部烟叶化学综合质量与土壤 AP 含量呈负相关关系, 与土壤 AK 含量和 pH 值呈正相关关系。【结论】提高广东梅州烟区土壤 pH 值、AK 和 WSOC 含量,降低土壤 AP 含量,有利于梅州烟区烟叶质量的提高。
      【Objective】 The study aims to explore the traits and their correlation of soil and chemical constituents of tobacco leaves in Meizhou tobacco production area of Guangdong, and explore the key soil factors affecting the chemical quality of tobacco leaves.【Method】48 tobacco-planting soil and the corresponding middle and upper flue-cured tobacco leaves were collected to analysis the traits of soil and chemical constituents of tobacco leaves. Stepwise regression analysis was used to explore the key soil factors influencing the chemical constituents of tobacco leaves. 【Result】 In the tobacco-growing soil of Meizhou tobacco production area of Guangdong, the proportion of low soil pH value accounts for 64.58%, the content of organic matter (SOM) and water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) are rich, the appropriate proportion of total nitrogen (TN) content accounts for 68.75%, the rich and extremely rich proportion of total phosphorus (TP) content accounts for 70.83%, the deficient and extremely deficient proportion of total potassium (TK) content accounts for 68.75%, and the rich and extremely rich proportion of available nitrogen (AN), available phosphorus (AP) and available potassium (AK) account for 97.92%, 91.76% and 79.17%, respectively. The content of total sugar, starch and sugar alkali ratio in the middle tobacco leaves were higher, accounting for 91.67%, 100% and 66.67% respectively; the content of total sugar, reducing sugar and starch in the upper tobacco leaves were higher, accounting for 87.50%, 75.00%, 100% and 56.25% respectively; the content of nicotine was lower, accounting for 47.92%. The results of principal component analysis showed that sugar alkali ratio, total nitrogen, nicotine, total sugar and reducing sugar content were the main indicators for evaluating the chemical constituents of middle tobacco leaves, and reducing sugar, sugar alkali ratio, total sugar and nicotine were the main indicators for evaluating the chemical constituents of upper tobacco leaves. Comprehensive chemical quality of middle tobacco leaves was positively correlated with soil AK content, nicotine content in middle tobacco leaves is negatively correlated with soil AK content, the contents of total sugar, reducing sugar and starch in middle tobacco leaves and starch in upper tobacco leaves are negatively correlated with the content of soil WSOC, the content of reducing sugar in upper tobacco leaves is positively correlated with soil AP; the comprehensive chemical quality of upper tobacco leaves was negatively correlated with soil AP content, and positively correlated with soil AK content and pH value. 【Conclusion】 Improving the soil pH value, AK and WSOC content and reducing the AP content in soil is beneficial to improve the quality of Meizhou tobacco leaves.
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