覃成婕 1 ,胡 斌 2,3,叶灿权 1 ,朱剑锋 2 ,李雪玲 1 ,田 铃 4 ,黄志君 4 ,胡文锋 2.黑水虻武汉株 ×Bioforte 株杂交后代生长性能研究[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(6):137-143
查看全文    HTML 黑水虻武汉株 ×Bioforte 株杂交后代生长性能研究
Study on the Growth Performance of the Hybrid Progeny Black Soldier Fly Derived from Wuhan Strain×Bioforte Strain
中文关键词: 黑水虻  杂交  横交  生长性能  生长周期
英文关键词: black soldier fly  hybridization  transverse cross  growth performance  growth cycle
覃成婕 1 ,胡 斌 2,3,叶灿权 1 ,朱剑锋 2 ,李雪玲 1 ,田 铃 4 ,黄志君 4 ,胡文锋 2 1. 华南农业大学食品学院广东 广州 510642 2. 生物源生物技术 ( 深圳 ) 股份有限公司广东 深圳 518055 3. 广东省农业科学院动物科学研究所广东 广州 510640 4. 华南农业大学动物科学学院广东 广州 510642 
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      【目的】为了解黑水虻(Hermetia illucens L.)杂种是否具有生长优势,对武汉株与 Bioforte 株的 杂交后代及武汉株、Bioforte 株的生长性能差异进行研究。【方法】黑水虻武汉株与 Bioforte 株经杂交和横交分 别获得试验株 F 和 F´,测定和比较 F、 F´ 黑水虻和武汉株、Bioforte 株黑水虻的各项生长性能指标,以及羽化时 间、产卵时间等性状。【结果】黑水虻 F 和 F´ 的羽化时间分别为 30.3 d、35.3 d,产卵时间分别为 36.6 d、40.3 d;F 的羽化、产卵时间均比武汉株短 5 d,均比 Bioforte 株短 9 d;F´ 的产卵时间比武汉株短 1.4 d,羽化时间比 Bioforte 株短 4.0 d,产卵时间比 Bioforte 株短 5.4 d。在饲料利用方面,F、F´、武汉株、Bioforte 株黑水虻的表观 消化率分别为 59.53%、59.25%、58.05%、58.10%,饲料利用率分别为 4.11%、4.58%、3.41%、 3.74%,料重比 分别为 8.58、7.78、10.5、9.05。与武汉株和 Bioforte 株比较,F 的表观消化率显著高于武汉株和 Bioforte 株,羽 化时间及产卵时间均显著低于武汉株和 Bioforte 株;F´ 的饲料转化率、表观消化率、饲料利用率均显著高于武汉 株和 Bioforte 株,料重比及蛋白质含量均显著低于武汉株和 Bioforte 株;F、F´ 的产卵数、卵块质量、孵化率与 武汉株和 Bioforte 株均无显著性差异。【结论】黑水虻 F、F´ 均在饲料利用上均优于武汉株与 Bioforte 株,但蛋 白质含量略低于两者;F、F´ 的产卵数、卵块质量、孵化率均能较好地保持在武汉株和 Bioforte 株的水平上;F 在生长周期上具有优势,其羽化时间与产卵时间均比武汉株与 Bioforte 株短。
      【Objective】In order to study whether hybrids of the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens L.) have growth advantages, the hybrid progeny of Wuhan strain and Bioforte strain and the difference of growth performance between Wuhan strain and Bioforte strain were studied. 【Method】Experimental strains F and F´ were obtained by cross and transverse cross between Wuhan strain and Bioforte strain, respectively. The growth performance , eclosion time and oviposition time of F and F´ were measured and compared with those of Wuhan strain and Bioforte strain. 【Result】The eclosion time of F strain and F´ strain was 30.3 d and 35.3 d, and the oviposition time was 36.6 d and 40.3 d, respectively. The eclosion and oviposition time of F strain were 5 d shorter than that of Wuhan strain, 9 d shorter than that of Bioforte strain, and the oviposition time of F´ strain was 1.4 d shorter than that of Wuhan strain. The eclosion time was 4 d shorter than that of Bioforte strain, and the oviposition time was 5.4 d shorter than that of Bioforte strain. In terms of feed utilization, the apparent digestibility of F strain, F´ strain, Wuhan strain and Bioforte strain were 59.53%, 59.25%, 58.05% and 58.10%, ingested feed conversion efficiency were 4.11%, 4.58%, 3.41% and 3.74%, and the feed-weight ratio were 8.58, 7.78, 10.5 and 9.05, respectively. Compared with Wuhan strain and Bioforte strain, the apparent digestibility of F strain was significantly higher, and the eclosion time and oviposition time were significantly lower. The digested feed conversion efficiency, apparent digestibility and ingested feed conversion efficiency of F´ strain were significantly higher than those of Wuhan strain and Bioforte strain, while the feed-weight ratio and protein content were significantly lower than those of Wuhan strain and Bioforte strain. There were no significant differences in the number of egg laid, quality of egg mass, or hatching rate among F strain, F´ strain and the Wuhan strain and Bioforte strain.【Conclusion】F strain and F´ strain were superior to Wuhan strain and Bioforte strain in feed utilization, but the protein content was slightly lower than Wuhan strain and Bioforte strain; The number of egg laid, egg mass and hatching rate of F strain, F´ strain were well maintained at the level of Wuhan strain and Bioforte strain; F strain had an advantage in growth cycle, and its eclosion time and oviposition time were shorter than Wuhan strain and Bioforte strain.
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