陈龙跃 1,2,段丹丹 1,2,王 凡 1,2,孟翔宇 1,2,赵 冲 1,2,钱英军 3.高光谱成像技术在水果品质无损检测中的研究进展[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(7):83-94
查看全文    HTML 高光谱成像技术在水果品质无损检测中的研究进展
Research Progress of Non-destructive Testing of Fruit Quality by Hyperspectral Imaging Technology
中文关键词: 高光谱成像  水果品质  无损检测  机器学习  特征提取  模型训练
英文关键词: hyperspectral imaging  fruit quality  non-destructive testing  machine learning  feature extraction  model training
陈龙跃 1,2,段丹丹 1,2,王 凡 1,2,孟翔宇 1,2,赵 冲 1,2,钱英军 3 1. 北京市农林科学院信息技术研究中心北京 1000002. 岭南现代农业科学与技术广东省实验室河源分中心广东 河源 5170003. 广东科贸职业学院广东 清远 511500 
摘要点击次数: 716
全文下载次数: 1005
      The production and sales of high-quality fruits are inseparable from fruit quality testing, while traditional fruit quality testing methods have low precision, high cost, poor timeliness, and strong destructiveness. With the continuous advancement of science and technology in recent years, low-cost and high-efficiency non-destructive testing technology for fruit quality has been developed rapidly. Among them, hyperspectral imaging technology has gradually become a research hotspot. This paper summarizes the technical principle, application and development status of this technology in the field of fruit quality, and discusses its performance potential, existing problems, development trend and application prospects in the field of non-destructive testing of fruit quality. On the whole,hyperspectral imaging technology can non-destructively and efficiently realize the effective detection of various fruits and various quality indicators, such as maturity, sugar content, acidity, red index, etc.; Limited by hardware technology, its development focuses on data mining, that is, in the case of limited hardware development, accurate analysis results can be obtained through continuously updated and optimized targeted algorithms; on the other hand, expensive equipment, complex data processing, and poor model universality are the main problems that this technology needs to be further optimized and improved; Its future development will be based on efficient data processing of cloud computing and artificial intelligence, research and development of hyperspectral detection equipment for fruit quality with a wider range of applications, and multi-source comprehensive non-destructive testing. With the continuous development of technology, hyperspectral imaging technology has broad application prospects in non-destructive testing of fruit quality, and will become one of the important means of fruit quality testing in the future.
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