杨晓慧,桑贤东,杨会肖,廖焕琴,林晓莹,陈新宇,潘 文,张卫华,徐 斌.不同类型养分对棱果花苗期生长及根系发育的影响[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(7):115-126
查看全文    HTML 不同类型养分对棱果花苗期生长及根系发育的影响
Effects of Different Types in Nutrients on Seedling Growth and Root Development of Barthea barthei
中文关键词: 棱果花  组培苗  生长指标  叶绿素含量  养分管理  根系发育
英文关键词: Barthea barthei  tissue culture seedlings  growth indexes  chlorophyll content  nutrient management  root development
杨晓慧,桑贤东,杨会肖,廖焕琴,林晓莹,陈新宇,潘 文,张卫华,徐 斌 广东省林业科学研究院 / 广东省森林培育与保护利用重点实验室广东 广州 510520 
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      【目的】棱果花是我国特有的野牡丹科棱果花属灌木,具有重要的观赏价值。然而,棱果花主要分布于野外,其人工栽培技术体系尚未完全建立,大大限制了其作为园林绿化植物的应用潜力。通过比较不同养分类型、不同施加浓度对棱果花幼苗生长和根系指标的影响,确定影响棱果花苗期生长的主要养分用量,旨在为棱果花壮苗培育提供科学依据。【方法】以棱果花组培苗为试验材料,移栽至黄心土为栽培基质的育苗杯中培养 3 个月后,分别施加 6 种 N 素养分(谷氨酸、丙氨酸、天冬氨酸、普通复合肥、尿素、长效控施肥)、3种施用量(0.7、1.4、2.8 mg/ 株),每月测定棱果花的苗高、叶绿素含量,试验结束时测定棱果花根系指标。【结果】养分类型与施用量对棱果花幼苗早期的生长发育影响显著,以 2.8 mg/ 株天冬氨酸处理(T9)棱果花幼苗 1 个月后苗高增量最大、达 5.18(±0.13) cm,4~5 个月后增量变小;1.4 mg/ 株丙氨酸处理(T5)的苗木前 2 个月苗高增量与对照相比差异不大,而第 4、第 5 个月后苗高增量显著高于对照;2.8 mg/ 株长效控释肥处理(T18)的苗高增量在第 4、5 个月后最大;1.4 mg/ 株尿素(T14)、2.8 mg/ 株天冬氨酸(T9)、2.8 mg/ 株尿素(T15)处理的根生物量最大,分别为 0.71(±0.40)、0.65(±0.21)、0.64(±0.24)g;T9 处理下直径≤ 2 mm 的根表面积为 273.63 cm2,显著高于其他处理。【结论】以苗高、直径≤ 2 mm 的根表面积为筛选指标,适合棱果花早期生长的养分类型为天冬氨酸,施用量为 2.8 mg/ 株。
      【Objective】 Barthea barthei (Hance ex Benth.) Krass. is a unique shrub of the genus Barthea in Melastomataceae in China, which has important ornamental value. However, it is mainly distributed in the wild, and its artificial cultivation technology system has not been fully established, which greatly limits its application potential as a landscape plant. In this study, by comparing the effects of different types in nutrients and different application concentrations on the growth and root indexes of the seedlings, the main nutrient dosage affecting the growth of the seedlings was determined, providing a scientific basis for the cultivation of the seedlings.【Method】 The tissue culture seedlings of B. barthei were used as materials, and they were transplanted into the seedling cups with yellow soil as the cultivation substrate.After 3 months’ culture, 6 kinds of N nutrients (Glutamic acid, Alanine, Aspartic acid, Compound fertilizer, Urea, Controlled-released fertilizer) and 3 kinds of application amount (0.7, 1.4 and 2.8 mg/plant) were applied respectively. The seedling height and chlorophyll content of B. barthei were measured monthly, and the root indexes of B. barthei was measured after the experiment. 【Result】Nutrient type and application amount had significant effects on the early growth and development of B. barthei seedlings. The highest increment of seedling height was 5.18±0.13 cm after 1 month of treatment with T9 (Aspartic acid, 2.8 mg/plant ). The increment became smaller after 4~5 months. The seedling height increment of seedlings treated with T5 (Alanine, 1.4 mg/plant) was not significantly different from that of the control in the first 2 months, but it was much higher than that of the control after the 4th and 5th months. The increment of seedling height of T18 (Controlled-released fertilizer, 2.8 mg/plant) was the largest after 4 and 5 months. The root biomass of T14 (Urea, 1.4 mg/plant ), T9 (Aspartic acid, 2.8 mg/plant ) and T15 (Urea, 2.8 mg/plant ) were the largest, which were 0.71 (±0.40) g, 0.65 (±0.21) g and 0.64 (±0.24) g, respectively. The root surface area with diameter less than or equal to 2 mm under T9 treatment was 273.63 cm2, which was significantly higher than that under other treatments.【Conclusion】Considering the seedling height and root index of root surface area with diameter ≤ 2 mm, the best nutrient for the early stage of B. barthei growth was Aspartic acid with the amount of 2.8 mg/plant.
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