陈桢禄1,卢志伟 2,黄瑞寅 3,贺广生 1,王 维 4.厌氧消毒对植烟土壤特性及烤烟产质量的影响[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(8):75-84
查看全文    HTML 厌氧消毒对植烟土壤特性及烤烟产质量的影响
Effects of Anaerobic Disinfection on Properties in Tobaccoplanting Soil, Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco
中文关键词: 烤烟  土壤厌氧消毒技术  土壤质量  青枯病  黑胫病
英文关键词: flue-cured tobacco  anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD)  soil quality  bacterial wilt  black shank
基金项目:广东省烟草专卖局(公司)科技计划项目(粤烟科项 201803)
陈桢禄1,卢志伟 2,黄瑞寅 3,贺广生 1,王 维 4 1. 广东省烟草专卖局(公司)广东 广州 5106102. 贵州中烟工业有限责任公司贵州 贵阳 550004 3. 广东中烟原料供应中心广东 广州 5113564. 华南农业大学农学院广东 广州 510642 
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      【目的】使用有效无污染的土壤厌氧消毒技术,探究配施不同有机物料对烟田土壤特性、烤烟主要土传病害及其产质量的影响。【方法】采用大田试验,在广东大埔和南雄 2 个种植烟区,以不添加有机物料为对照(CK),设置米糠(MK)、木屑(MX)、米糠与木屑等量混合(KX)3 个处理组进行土壤厌氧消毒(ASD)处理,分析不同处理间烟田土壤特性、烤烟主要病害及其经济性状。【结果】添加有机物料的 ASD 处理较 CK能显著提高 2 个产区的土壤 pH 值、土壤酶活性和养分含量,降低土壤 EC 值。大埔产区土壤有机质、全氮、速效氮、速效磷、速效钾含量,较 CK 分别提升 29.0%~40.6%、7.0%~24.2%、18.0%~24.4%、25.9%~43.0%、37.5%~81.7%,烤烟青枯病和黑胫病的发病率比 CK 减少 5.8~17.3 和 7.5~15.8 个百分点,病情指数较 CK 分别下降 34.7%~69.0% 和 30.4%~68.9%;南雄产区土壤有机质、全氮、速效氮、速效磷、速效钾含量,较 CK 分别提升 0.1%~35.2%、55.8%~89.4%、19.7%~30.0%、22.2%~27.5%、34.0%~76.3%, 烤烟青枯病和黑胫病的发病率比CK 减少 5.6~12.6 和 11.7~18.0 个百分点,病情指数较 CK 分别下降 16.1%~63.7% 和 43.4%~64.3%。大埔、南雄 2产区烤烟平均产值较 CK 至少增加 1 949.25 元 /hm2,中上等烟比例比 CK 分别增加 1.2~4.2、0.7~2.9 个百分点。冗余分析发现,大埔烤烟青枯病、黑胫病发病率受蔗糖酶活性影响较大,南雄烤烟青枯病、黑胫病发病率受脲酶影响较大。【结论】在烟草连作频繁、土传病害发生严重地块添加 MK(施用量 10 t/hm2)进行 ASD 处理,可有效改良烟田土壤特性,提高烤烟产质量。
      【Objective】The impact of anaerobic disinfection (ASD) on the properties of tobacco field soil, major soil-borne diseases of tobacco, and their yield and quality is investigated by employing effective and pollution-free soil improvement techniques through the application of different organic materials.【Method】The field experiment was conducted in two tobacco production areas in Dapu and Nanxiong, Guangdong Province. Three treatment groups of rice bran (MK), wood chips (MX) and rice bran mixed with wood chips (KX) were set up for soil anaerobic disinfection (ASD), and that without the addition of organic materials was used as CK, then soil properties, occurrence of major diseases and economic traits of tobacco were analyzed between different treatments.【Result】The results showed that ASD treatments with organic materials significantly increased soil pH value, soil enzyme activity and soil nutrient content in two production areas when compared with CK, while reduced soil EC value. In the Dapu production area, the mass fractions of soil organic matter, total nitrogen, available nitrogen, available phosphorus, and available potassium increased by 29.0%-40.6%, 7.0%-24.2%, 18.0%-24.4%, 25.9%-43.0%, and 37.5%-81.7%, respectively, compared to the control group (CK). The incidence rates of tobacco blue mold and black shank disease decreased by 5.8-17.3 and 7.5-15.8 percentage points, respectively, compared to CK. The disease severity index decreased by 34.7%-69.0% and 30.4%~68.9%, respectively, compared to CK. In the Nanxiong production area, the mass fractions of soil organic matter, total nitrogen, available nitrogen, available phosphorus, and available potassium increased by 0.1%-35.2%, 55.8%-89.4%, 19.7%-30.0%, 22.2%-27.5%, and 34.0%-76.3%, respectively, compared to CK. The incidence rates of tobacco blue mold and black shank disease decreased by 5.6-12.6 and 11.7-18.0 percentage points, respectively, compared to CK. The disease severity index decreased by 16.1%-63.7% and 43.4%-64.3%, respectively, compared to CK. In both production areas, the average tobacco yield per hectare increased by at least 1 949.25 yuan compared to CK. The proportion of high-grade tobacco in Dapu and Nanxiong production areas increased by 1.2~4.2 and 0.7-2.9 percentage points, respectively, compared to CK. The results of redundancy analysis showed that the incidence of bacterial wilt and black shank of flue-cured tobacco in Dapu was greatly affected by sucrase activity, and the incidence of flue-cured tobacco in Nanxiong was greatly affected by urease activity.【Conclusion】Adding MK (10 t/hm2) for ASD treatment in tobacco fields with frequent continuous cropping and severe soil-borne diseases. This treatment can effectively improve soil characteristics and enhance the quality of tobacco production.
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