叶晓青 1,曾嘉楠 2,邹 勇1,周 诚 1,李俊业 1,李淮源 2,邓世媛 2,陈建军 2,王媛媛 2.温度胁迫对烤烟生理机制的影响及相关调控研究进展[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(8):105-117
查看全文    HTML 温度胁迫对烤烟生理机制的影响及相关调控研究进展
Research Progress on the Physiological Mechanism and Related Regulation of Temperature Stress on Flue-cured Tobacco
中文关键词: 烤烟  高温胁迫  低温胁迫  碳氮代谢  抗氧化系统  外源物质
英文关键词: flue-cured tobacco  high temperature  low temperature  carbon and nitrogen metabolism  antioxidant system  allogenic material
叶晓青 1,曾嘉楠 2,邹 勇1,周 诚 1,李俊业 1,李淮源 2,邓世媛 2,陈建军 2,王媛媛 2 1. 深圳烟草工业有限责任有限公司广东 深圳 5181092. 华南农业大学农学院广东 广州 510642 
摘要点击次数: 609
全文下载次数: 565
      Temperature affects the growth and development of tobacco. With the frequent occurrence of extreme high and low temperature disasters, temperature stress has become one of the important factors restricting the normal growth and physiological functions of flue-cured tobacco. Low temperature stress and high temperature stress are currently the most common disasters in the seedling and maturity stages of flue-cured tobacco, which have a serious impact on the quality and yield of flue-cured tobacco. This article reviews the effects of temperature stress on physiological mechanisms such as growth and development, photosynthetic function, carbon and nitrogen metabolism, and antioxidant system of flue-cured tobacco. It introduced the research progress of related plant proteins and molecular mechanisms in temperature stress, and systematically summarizes the current stress resistance control measures for field temperature stress, including field management and spraying exogenous substances. At present, most agronomic interventions for temperature stress management may not be complete. It is necessary to understand the genetic, biochemical and physiological processes of different varieties in order to identify and select traits, enhance their high-temperature resistance mechanism, and cultivate high-temperature resistant flue-cured tobacco varieties. Looking forward to future research on temperature stress in flue-cured tobacco, including exploring local germplasm resources, cultivating heat-resistant varieties, utilizing methods such as multi omics or cross omics to deeply explore the response mechanism of temperature stress in flue-cured tobacco, developing predictive research on temperature stress in flue-cured tobacco, and developing targeted management measures for stress resistance cultivation, in order to provide scientific support for the prevention of climate disasters and the enhancement of agricultural disaster reduction efficiency for flue-cured tobacco.
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