叶 楚1,2,谢炳春 1,李 涛 2,徐小万 2,徐晓美 2,王恒明 2,吴智明 1,衡 周 2.园艺作物香气成分及合成调控机理的研究进展[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(11):98-112
查看全文    HTML 园艺作物香气成分及合成调控机理的研究进展
Progress on Aroma Components and Synthetic Regulation Mechanism of Horticultural Plants
中文关键词: 园艺作物  挥发性有机物  香气成分  脂氧合酶(LOX)  生物合成途径
英文关键词: horticultural plant  volatile organic compounds  lipoxygenase (LOX)  aroma component  biosynthetic pathway
基金项目:2022 年广东省乡村振兴战略专项资金种业振兴项目(2022-NJS-00-005);贵州省毕节市科学技术揭榜挂帅项目(毕科合重大专项〔2022〕3 号);广东省教育厅重点学科建设基础研究重大项目(2021ZDJS004);国家自然科学基金(32072598)
叶 楚1,2,谢炳春 1,李 涛 2,徐小万 2,徐晓美 2,王恒明 2,吴智明 1,衡 周 2 1. 仲恺农业工程学院园艺园林学院广东 广州 5102252. 广东省农业科学院蔬菜研究所 / 广东省蔬菜新技术研究重点实验室广东 广州 510640 
摘要点击次数: 685
全文下载次数: 721
      园艺作物的香气由其细胞中的挥发性有机物(Volatile organic compounds,VOCs)产生,主要由酯类、醇类、醛类、酮类、醚类、萜类、烷烃等物质组成,是其重要品质指标。园艺作物主要分为果树、蔬菜、花卉、茶 4 大类。不同类型园艺作物的 VOCs 种类各不相同,是造成园艺产品风味多样性的重要因素。影响园艺作物VOCs 的因素主要有基因表达、栽培条件、采后处理等。不同的基因的表达是不同园艺作物之间 VOCs 差异的重要原因;光照强弱、栽培环境、肥料施用以及嫁接砧木的品种等栽培条件直接或间接影响园艺作物 VOCs 的合成;采后处理中储藏温度和乙烯含量是影响园艺作物 VOCs 的重要因素。植物中 VOCs 合成途径主要有脂肪酸途径、氨基酸途径、莽草酸 / 苯丙素途径、萜类途径、脂氧合酶(LOX)途径等。直链醛、醇、酯主要通过脂氧合酶途径以及 β- 氧化途径产生,支链醛、醇、酯由氨基酸途径产生,萜类化合物由萜类途径产生,多酚类化合物由莽草酸 / 苯丙素途径产生。本文综述了近年来园艺作物香气物质成分、影响香气挥发的因素以及挥发性香气化合物的生物合成调控,提出了当前园艺作物香气的相关酶的生理功能、香气的遗传控制及其影响因素、香气物质与代谢机制研究较少的问题,并对未来的研究方向进行了展望。
      The aroma of horticultural plants is produced by volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in their cells, mainly composed of esters, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, ethers, terpenoids, alkanes and other substances, which is an important quality index. Horticultural plants are mainly divided into fruit trees, vegetables, flowers and tea. VOCs in different types of horticultural plants vary. This is an important factor leading to the diversity of flavors of horticultural products. The main factors affecting VOCs in horticultural plants include gene expression, cultivation conditions and postharvest treatment. The expression of different genes is an important reason for the VOCs differences between different horticultural plants. Cultivation conditions such as light intensity, cultivation environment, fertilizer application and varieties of grafted stocks directly or indirectly affect the synthesis of VOCs in horticultural plants. Storage temperature and ethylene content after harvest are important factors affecting VOCs. The VOCs synthesis pathways mainly include fatty acid pathway, amino acid pathway, shikimate/ phenylpropanoid pathway, terpenoid pathway, lipoxygenase (LOX) pathway and etc. Straight chain aldehydes, alcohols and esters are mainly produced by the lipoxygenase (LOX) pathway and β-oxidation pathway, branched chain aldehydes, alcohols and esters are produced by the amino acid pathway, terpenoids are produced by the terpenoid pathway, and polyphenolic compounds are produced by the shikimic acid/phenylpropanoid pathway. This review summarizes the components of aroma substances, the factors affecting aroma volatilization and the biosynthesis regulation of volatile aroma compounds in horticultural plants. The problems of less studies on physiological function of aroma-related enzymes, genetic control of aroma and its influencing factors, aroma substances and metabolic mechanism of horticultural plants are proposed, and the future research directions are put farward.
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