王泽煌 1,陈伟盛 2,黄连喜 2,田利华 1,刘忠珍 2,劳栋添 1,邓建云 3,黄 庆 2,魏 岚 2.有机替代 + 减量施肥对蕉园土壤理化性质和香蕉生长的影响[J].广东农业科学,2024,51(3):38-47
查看全文    HTML 有机替代 + 减量施肥对蕉园土壤理化性质和香蕉生长的影响
Effects of Organic Fertilizer Substitution and Reduction on Soil Physical / Chemical Properties and Banana Growth in Banana Orchard
中文关键词: 有机肥 / 炭基有机肥  减量施肥  土壤理化性质  香蕉产量  香蕉品质
英文关键词: organic fertilizer/biochar-based-organic fertilizer  reduce fertilization  soil physical and chemical properties  banana yield  banana quality
王泽煌 1,陈伟盛 2,黄连喜 2,田利华 1,刘忠珍 2,劳栋添 1,邓建云 3,黄 庆 2,魏 岚 2 1. 江门市农业科技创新中心广东 江门 5290002. 广东省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所 /农业农村部南方植物营养与肥料重点实验室 / 广东省农业资源循环利用与耕地保育重点实验室广东 广州 5106403. 龙门县农业科学研究所广东 惠州 516000 
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      【目的】化肥过量使用、农作物秸秆和畜禽粪污资源化利用率低、农林废弃物造成环境污染等问题制约农业发展。研究有机替代和减量施肥相结合的科学施肥方法,为珠江三角洲香蕉产区化肥减量与土壤培肥提供技术支撑。【方法】采用大田小区试验,研究有机替代和减量施肥相结合对香蕉生长、产量、品质及土壤肥力的影响。设置常规施肥(CK)、减施化肥 10%+ 低量有机肥(T1)、减施化肥 20%+ 高量有机肥(T2)、减施化肥 10%+ 低量炭基有机肥(T3)和减施化肥 20%+ 高量炭基有机肥(T4)5 个处理,测定各处理对香蕉生长势、产量、叶片营养元素、果实品质及土壤养分和理化性状等的影响。【结果】与对照相比,有机替代和减量施肥处理(T1~T4)可以提高土壤的 pH 和有机质含量,其中对 pH 的影响在香蕉成熟期更为显著、提高了 0.38~0.77;有机质含量则是前期提高更为显著、比对照提升 6.62%~56.09%,且随有机物料施加量的增加而提高。香蕉成熟期的土壤大量元素以及钙、镁含量整体高于抽蕾期,但各处理间差异不显著。T1~T4 处理对香蕉生长、产量、品质以及叶片营养元素方面均有正向效果,其中施加炭基有机肥的 T3 和 T4 处理效果更佳,香蕉产量分别提高 14.44% 和 13.43%;可溶性固形物、可溶性糖、维生素 C 含量分别提升 13.09%~21.99%、3.98%~17.32%、28.09%~41.57%。【结论】综合分析香蕉生长情况和土壤理化性质,在本试验条件下,有机替代 + 减量施肥(10%~20%)处理是适宜珠江三角洲香蕉的生长的化肥减量增效模式。
      【Objective】Excessive use of fertilizers, low utilization rates of crop straw/livestock/poultry manure resources, and environmental pollution caused by agricultural and forestry waste restrict the development of agriculture. The scientific fertilization method of organic substitution + reduced fertilization was studied to provide technical support for the reduction of chemical fertilizer and soil fertility in banana production areas of the the Pearl River Delta.【Method】Field experiments were conducted to study the effects of organic substitution combined with reduced fertilization on banana growth, yield, quality and soil nutrients. The main purpose was to taking conventional fertilization as the control, four fertilizer managements were set up, including 10% reduction of fertilizer amount (10% reduction of nitrogen)+organic fertilizer (T1), 20% reduction of fertilizer amount (20% reduction of nitrogen)+organic fertilizer (T2), 10% reduction of fertilizer amount (10% reduction of nitrogen)+biochar-based-organic fertilizer (T3), and 20% reduction of fertilizer amount (20% reduction of nitrogen)+biochar-based-organic fertilizer (T4), then their effects on the banana growth, yield, and soil nutrients and physical and chemical properties were investigated.【Result】Compared with the control, Organic fertilizer substitution and reduction treatments (T1-T4) could increase the pH and organic matter content of the treated soil. Among them, pH had a more significant effect in ripening stage, increasing by 0.38-0.77 . While the soil organic matter content increased more significantly in budding stage, increasing by 6.62%-56.09% compared to the control. Moreover, the soil organic matter content of soil increased with the increasing of organic material application amount. The content of large elements, Calcium and Magnesium in the treated soil during the ripening stage was generally higher than that during the budding stage, but the difference between treatments was not significant. T1-T4 treatment had positive effects on banana growth, yield, quality and leaf nutrient elements, among which the effect of T3 and T4 treatment with carbon-based organic fertilizer was better, and banana yield increased by 14.44% and 13.43% respectively. Soluble solid, soluble sugar, vitamin C content increased 13.09%-21.99%, 3.98%-17.32%, 28.09%-41.57%, respectively. 【Conclusion】 Comprehensive analysis of banana growth and soil physical/chemical properties, the organic fertilizer substitution combined with reduced fertilization treatment is suitable for the fertilizer reduction and efficient utilization of newly-planted bananas in the pearl river delta.
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