周 玮1 ,王灵军 2 ,夏国威 1 ,黄承玲 1.杜鹃天然杂交后代花冠表型性状 遗传特性与杂种优势分析[J].广东农业科学,2024,51(6):71-80
查看全文    HTML 杜鹃天然杂交后代花冠表型性状 遗传特性与杂种优势分析
Analysis of Genetic Characteristics and Heterosis for Corolla Phenotypic Traits in Natural Hybrids of Rhododendron
中文关键词: 遗传特性  杂种优势  表型性状  天然杂交后代  杜鹃花冠
英文关键词: genetic characteristics  heterosis  phenotypic trait  natural hybrid  Rhododendron corolla
基金项目:贵州省科技支撑计划项目(黔科合支撑〔2023〕一般 035)
周 玮1 ,王灵军 2 ,夏国威 1 ,黄承玲 1 (1. 贵州民族大学生态环境工程学院贵州 贵阳 550025 2. 贵州百里杜鹃管理区科研所贵州 毕节 551614) 
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      【目的】通过分析杜鹃自然杂交的遗传变异特性及杂种优势,为杜鹃杂交育种和新品种选育提供理 论基础。【方法】以 36 株马缨杜鹃和露珠杜鹃的天然杂交后代为研究对象,分析杜鹃花冠的花序形状、花色、花 冠直径、小花数量等表型性状,研究其遗传多样性、变异系数以及杂种优势。【结果】花序形状主要分化为 3 种类型, 其中扁平花序占 83.33%;花色分化最明显,其中粉红色占 61.11%,白色及浅黄色所占比例较少;杂交后代中花冠 喉斑及示蜜斑分化也较为明显;花冠背面彩肋条纹由亲本的深红和浅黄分化为粉红、深红、紫红和浅黄,其中粉红 色彩肋条纹最多(占 58.33%);花冠姿态分化成全部波状、边缘波状及近平展 3 种,其中花冠边缘波状植株较多、 占 86.11%。花冠颜色、花 冠喉斑、花冠示蜜斑的 Shannon-Wiener 多样性指数均高于 1.0。花冠数量性状的频数分 布符合正态分布,具有典型的数量性状遗传特征,其遗传变异系数在 11.17%~26.70%。花冠直径的杂种优势指数为 正值(106.66%),其余性状指标杂种优势指数为负值、在 88.91%~98.97%,花梗长度指数最小。杂交后代的超高 亲率(HH)为 11.11%~55.56%,低低亲率(LL)为 13.89%~ 58.33%,花冠直径的超高亲率最高(55.56%)。【结论】 露珠杜鹃和马缨杜鹃天然杂交后代的花冠表型性状具有丰富的变异特性,具备选育优良种质的潜力。杂种后代具有 一定的超高亲率,花冠直径等表型性状均表现出优良性状,但也有部分性状具有一定比例的低低亲率,劣变率也较高。
      genetic characteristics; heterosis; phenotypic trait; natural hybrid; Rhododendron corolla shapes mainly were divided into three types, among which flat inflorescences accounted for 83.33%, and the flower color differentiation was most obvious, with pink accounting for 61.11%, and white and light yellow accounting for a relatively small proportion. The differentiation of the corolla throat spots and corolla honeydew spots in hybrids was also obvious. The colorful ribbed stripes on the back of corolla were differentiated from the deep red and light yellow of the parent into the pink, deep red, purplish red and light yellow. The pink ribbed stripes were the most common, accounting for 58.33%. The corolla posture was differentiated into three types: fully wavy, wavy on the edge, and nearly flat. Among them, there were more plants with wavy edges on the corolla, accounting for 86.11%. By calculation, it could be inferred that the Shannon-Wiener diversity of corolla color, corolla throat spot and corolla honeydew spot was higher than 1.0. The frequency distribution of quantitative traits in the corolla followed a normal distribution, it was in conformity with typical genetic characteristics of quantitative traits. The coefficient of genetic variation ranged from 11.17% to 26.7%. The heterosis index of corolla diameter was positive (106.66%), while the heterosis index of other trait indicators was negative, ranging from88.91% to 98.97%. The index of the pedicel length was the smallest. The HH was between 11.11% and 55.56%, while the LL was between 13.89% and 58.33%. The HH of the corolla diameter was the highest.【Conclusion】Therefore, the corolla phenotypic traits of the natural hybrids of Rhododendron delavayi and Rhododendron irroratum have rich variation characteristics, with the potential for breeding excellent germplasm. The hybrids have a certain degree of HH, and phenotypic traits like corolla diameter exhibit excellent traits. However, some traits also have a certain proportion of LL, and the rate of deterioration is also relatively high.
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