PDF    HTML 高通量表型分析在农业的应用与挑战
Applications And Challenges of High-Throughput Phenotyping in Agriculture
投稿时间:2024-06-01  修订日期:2024-07-30
中文关键词: 高通量  农作物  表型  大数据  深度学习  挑战
英文关键词: high-throughput  crops  phenotypes  big data  deep learning  challenges
陈龙跃 北京市农林科学院信息技术研究中心 100000
段丹丹* 北京市农林科学院信息技术研究中心
徐卫兵 岳西县农业农村局 
李作麟 北京市农林科学院信息技术研究中心 
赵冲 农芯科技广州有限责任公司 
摘要点击次数: 10
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      As an emerging technical means, high-throughput phenotyping of crops aims to quickly and accurately reveal the relationship between crop traits, genes and environment by analyzing a large amount of phenotypic data, thereby optimizing breeding efficiency and accuracy, and improving crop yield and quality, solving the problem of increased demand for food amid the increasing global population and environmental deterioration. After analyzing the key technical architecture of high-throughput phenotypic analysis of crops, the methods and shortcomings of collecting, sorting and analyzing crop phenotypic information are explained from the aspects of sensors, multi-scale observation and big data mining. On this basis, the main application areas of crop pheno-typing analysis in recent years were reviewed. The study confirmed that high-throughput crop phenotyping analysis is an effective tool for quantifying crop traits, monitoring crop growth, optimizing field management, and improving breeding efficiency. However, its application performance still has potential for improvement. Finally, the challenges, optimization solutions, broad prospects and future development trends of high-throughput phenotyping of crops were discussed. It shows that there are still challenges in data processing and analysis, cross-species, cross-organization, and cross-environment applications. However, with the increasing development of cutting-edge technologies such as cloud big data processing platforms and artificial intelligence, which have great advantages in processing large-volume and high-complexity data, combined with biotechnol-ogy and genomics research methods, high-throughput phenotyping of crops will play a pivotal role in combating food shortages caused by global environmental changes and population increase.
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