陈风波,张梨靖.热带气旋现象影响南方水稻产量的实证检验 ---基于广东省水稻种植户的调查研究[J].广东农业科学,2024,(9-10):-
PDF    HTML 热带气旋现象影响南方水稻产量的实证检验 ---基于广东省水稻种植户的调查研究
The impact of Occurrence of Tropical Cyclones on Rice Output in Southern China: A Study Based on Survey Data of Rice Farmers in Guangdong
投稿时间:2024-06-11  修订日期:2024-08-14
中文关键词: 粮食安全  热带气旋灾害  Tobit模型  工具变量法  农户
英文关键词: Food Security  Tropical Cyclone Disaster  Tobit Model  Instrumental Variable Method  Farming Households
陈风波* 华南农业大学经济管理学院 510642
张梨靖 华南农业大学经济管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 11
全文下载次数: 0
      【Objective】The study aims to quantify the impact of tropical cyclone disasters on rice lodging and subsequent yield losses during the harvest period. It seeks to understand the effects of tropical cyclone disasters on farmers' livelihoods and food security. The findings provide data support for mitigating the impact of tropical cyclones on rice yields in Guangdong and offer policy recommendations for enhancing comprehensive disaster prevention capabilities.【Method】Utilizing panel data from rice farmers in Guangdong Province from 2020 to 2022, this study employs Tobit and 2SLS models. By analyzing household plot-level data, the study estimates the impact of tropical cyclone disasters on rice yield at a micro level.【Result】Based on micro-level data from rice farmers in Guangdong, the study analyzes the impact of tropical cyclones on rice lodging and the subsequent effect on rice yield. Tobit model estimates indicate that tropical cyclone disasters significantly cause rice lodging at the 1% significance level, implying that the likelihood of rice lodging increases substantially when tropical cyclones occur. According to the survey data from 2020, 2021, and 2022, lodging caused by tropical cyclones accounts for 22.9% of the total lodging rate. For every 10% increase in plot-level rice lodging rate, rice yield decreases by approximately 2.9%. The impact of tropical cyclones on rice lodging and yield varies among different households and plots within the same region, with coastal areas being more severely affected than inland areas.【Conclusion】Tropical cyclones in Guangdong cause rice lodging, which significantly impacts rice yields and threatens food security. To mitigate the negative effects of tropical cyclones on rice production in Guangdong, the following policy recommendations are proposed: further improvement of farmland water conservancy infrastructure, including the expansion of high-standard farmland to ensure the rapid drainage of floodwaters caused by tropical cyclones; the development of flood-tolerant or lodging-resistant rice varieties; effective communication of hazardous climate information and the strengthening of tropical cyclone disaster early warning systems; and further enhancement of agricultural insurance policies for grain production, with increased compensation standards and payout levels.
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